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When is it going to be fixed???

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Thu, Feb 6 2025 7:54 PM (8 replies)
  • KHarmon5
    169 Posts
    Sun, Dec 22 2024 9:00 PM

    First, after the update, my avatar was totally pink and everything was screwy looking. That got fixed and now my avatar looks like a haggard old person. BUT, the biggest issue is the jumping meter. I didn't have any problems with skipping before and now it is a constant. We were told that it would be fixed my mid December. I can't play in any showdowns or tournaments because I have to take a stab at the jumping meter and it rarely hits anywhere near where I want it to. FIX IT!!!!!

  • ScottHope
    10,678 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2024 1:44 AM

    Somebody (my apologies for not remembering who), suggested hitting the camera button for a different view, which meant your avatar would be off the screen when taking your shot. Maybe that would be worth trying.

  • mikey1961
    1,687 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2025 8:41 AM

    Hi Scott 

    Re your suggestion i can confirm that does work for tee and approach shots but pitches and putting are still a lottery with the jumpy meter it's very frustrating when you have a ding putt and it shoots past. 


  • ScottHope
    10,678 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2025 9:18 AM

    Cheers Mike.

    If you can access your graphics vsync setting, try toggling it. If it's on, turn it off and vice versa.

    I'm not fully versed in it's operation but I think it can lead to either frame stutter or frame tearing if the refresh rate of your monitor and the frame output rate of your graphics card are not in synch.

    I'm happy to be corrected if this information is wrong.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,351 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2025 9:53 AM


    Cheers Mike.

    If you can access your graphics vsync setting, try toggling it. If it's on, turn it off and vice versa.

    I'm not fully versed in it's operation but I think it can lead to either frame stutter or frame tearing if the refresh rate of your monitor and the frame output rate of your graphics card are not in synch.

    I'm happy to be corrected if this information is wrong.


    You are correct about vsync description Scott, but it's not the case. If it was, he would be facing tearing and judder always, even with the avatar not displayed. However, most people say that changing camera and putting off the avatar from the scene, the meter is smooth.


  • ScottHope
    10,678 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2025 10:08 AM

    Okay, thanks Yiannis.  ; )

  • ScottHope
    10,678 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2025 12:58 PM

    Mike, just had another thought. Kenher01 told us about using the + and - keys on the keyboard numberpad to zoom in and out in the game window. So for the shots where you can't get the avatar out of the view maybe you could try that to zoom him out of shot.

    You can also use the keyboard arrow keys to move the view left/right/up/down, so that might help too, but in my experience you have to press them a lot to get a little movement, you can't hold them down to pan faster and you can't pan left or right until you have zoomed in. Be aware that once you have zoomed or panned, changing the view with the camera icon will reset the zoom and pan. Good luck!

  • BradMoffitt
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jan 29 2025 5:03 PM

    Does anyone have an actual fix?  Telling the user to change their view for every shot is not a fix!! I have to do that to make the game playable but I end up forgetting at a crucial moment and send the ball into a pond or the 2nd cut of rough.  Also, putting from the reverse angle means remembering a push is now a pull and vice versa. This has been going on for 3 months now.  All I get from WGT support is uninstall and reinstall.  I've done that twice - no more.  I have lost countless top level Titleist balls because of their screw up.

  • KHarmon5
    169 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2025 7:54 PM

    I'm with you Brad. I've succumbed to hitting the drive and the approach from a zoomed view to get the meter to work right but it doesn't work on the putting from any view. I've reinstalled twice to no avail. I know it's not fixed as soon as I come online because my avatar still looks like a haggard old woman... WGT's problem, has to be... I've tried everything I know to.