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Bad colour,

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Sat, Jan 4 2025 12:08 PM (4 replies)
  • spa75
    368 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2025 1:26 PM

    Hi  all . 

    So my snowman head  used to be a lovely bright white,   but it is  now  a dirty grey colour and it looks like its made out of  newspaper papier-mache.    There  is  colour issues with most of the apparel most of it is a faded colour like its been washed a million times .      Also there is an issue with the course graphics  all trees,  buildings ,  outer edges of course and the mini map  are  all blurry .

    That was one of the good things about this game , the  scenery  it was all so sharp and clear it was like we was actually there.   Now it looks like a  6 month old took the pictures.   It could b any old golf game on the web  which I'm sure its not what wgt were looking for.      The game is no longer enjoyable to play  to many glitches.   Jumping meter,  bad colours  poor graphics ,  to name just a few.     Hopefully things will go forward this year with regards to fixing things  a not backwards like the previous years. ...    lol  yeah right and pigs might  fly.


    Good luck all   your gonna need it✌🤪

    Added,    ah ok maybe the scenery sharpness  is a mobile issue,  I only play on mobile. 

    And the avatars are a right mess,  im glad I use the skeleton outfit,  coz without it ironically the avatars look like a skeleton in a saggy  pink (other colours are available) skin👨‍🔧👩‍🔧🧑‍🔧👨‍🔧👩‍🔧🧑‍🔧👌

  • wigii
    47 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2025 2:22 PM

    Totally agree ever since the disaster down time of  november 4  this game has reached a epic low. Is it just me i have this gut feeling that this WGT is going to kill the PC version of this game  The fact is this current version was just copy of the mobil game. Dare to dream with new onership maybe the monopoly of WGT online golf can inprove for the people that still play inspite of WGT.

  • BlackBogey
    641 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2025 3:58 PM

    I play on PC and don't have any issues with the graphics (trees, buildings, mini map) but do agree the apparel is atrocious.  All this work they've been doing in the last 4-5 updates is supposedly aimed towards recreating the avatars so better, more realistic apparel could be added and so far it's just gotten worse and worse.

    At least the black speckles are gone from my snowman head now, but like you almost every bit of apparel is faded and dingy looking.  Especially the whites are now grey colored.  I have an abominable snowman sweater that used to be cream colored, now it's pink - like someone threw a red towel in the washer and used hot water.

  • callaghan159
    6,457 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2025 12:29 AM

    "Only issue" I have with this game is the dots on my avatar which I understand are not going away, other than that everything appears normal. Now saying that I was over charged when I renew my Premier Pass (I do believe it was 1200 or 1800 credits over charge) and I always buy the 6 shots in the Winners Circle and never get the the shots but get 499 credits instead (always message Nico or Champ and get it resolved but not the recent time).  I should feel lucky I guess. LOL

  • BlackBogey
    641 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2025 12:08 PM


    "Only issue" I have with this game is the dots on my avatar which I understand are not going away, other than that everything appears normal. Now saying that I was over charged when I renew my Premier Pass (I do believe it was 1200 or 1800 credits over charge) and I always buy the 6 shots in the Winners Circle and never get the the shots but get 499 credits instead (always message Nico or Champ and get it resolved but not the recent time).  I should feel lucky I guess. LOL

    I know Nico was on vacation from before Christmas until yesterday, so probably has a backlog of stuff to get to.  Not sure about Champ, but I wouldn't be surprised if he took some time off for holidays too.