Round 1. Match 24 Tie 187
Smackitoutahere wins over Taylormayo by 2 after 17.
A well played match with a few left out there by both of us.
Sunset Ridge GC vs TFC2 Warbirds
Match 31
Tie 245
Frawes defeats misterrobinson 3 up
Round 1. match 20 Tie 157
Tandjtolson wins 2up over Middleton68
great game and good solid player to play against
Round 1 Match 29 Tie # 227
Andivo defeted JohnnyMill1 4UP
Congrats to Andivo... well played game
Round 1 Match 29 Tie#227
Andivo defeated JohnnyMill1 4&3
Round 1, Match 33, Tie #262
phb314ix defeats davedresser 6UP
Win for Blood and Fire Dragons.
rnd 1 match 3 tie 19 sixwheeler44 lost to totalrecal7up
Round 1, match 14, tie 110
CjAdams defeats RoosterUSA
A very close match that could have gone either way, Cj falls over the line first with a birdie on the last hole.
Well done both.