Tie 78
Match 10
Akash1592 wins 1up vs KenBTEXAS
Round 1
Match #30
Tie #235
TIE GAME after 18
Tks Luis
Match 14 Tee 109 Richy074 win 3 up
Match 2
Tie# 9
RazorRsa vs Longbrew0
RazorRsa wins 8 Up
Match 22
Tie #174
eurusd won 1up v Hoggy03
Rd 1
Match 30
Tie 240
Happy1113 Defeats Waltca 2UP
Round 1, Match 36, Tie #281
avifijiislands wins against AndyCov2
Round 1: Match 35. Tie 188.
RobHon (3 Lions) beats altcar58
Round 1 WC
RCoffey8 and Mattescu all square/tie.
tie #226
Match #29
Well played match on both sides. I got up 4 then Matt came back to square on the last hole.