Round 1
Tie #81
Daylerz11 wins 1up over Jdcsd78
Match# 37
Tie# 292
Pokerbandit1 wins 2 up over Iparkin
Sunset Ridge GC vs TFC2 Warbirds
Match 31
Tie 242
Dukeblue78 defeated Alkoholikk 2 up
Round 1, Match 36, Tie #287
Spencer5505 wins over CaliforniaLegend.
Good Game Sir, GL moving forward!
Tie #134 Match 17 Round 1
Tvbant vs Peteshole
game disconnected on 15 with Tvbant up 1
game resumed by agreement between both players on B9
Match ended on 18 AS
Round 1 / Match #19 / Tie #147
MattSutherland defeats Lincoln1976 6&5
Round 1, Match 35, Tie 277
Prawnheadsquirt (KH5) defeats Tbobm06 (ECB1) 2 up
Tie 115
ECC370 win vs del7317
Round 1, Match 27
Tie 212
Babzilla defeated ginnyjay
That wraps up round 1 for us and i would just like to say it was an absolute pleasure playing Beyond the Green Ham and Eggs. All great players and people and wish you all success in the World Cup