Round 1
Match 22
Tie 171
lupo13 wins against Austinite
This was a game in which the better player lost. Unlucky with putts and better an almost every approach, Austinite played excellent golf. Just nit his day. Great match. Thank you.
Round 1, Match 5, tie 35
Papanix33 defeated birbieman 3&2
Round 1, Match 34, Tie # 268
tommyD141 vs hodgiman = Tied after 18 holes.
Match 20
Tie 153
kamaljkr vs PearlJammer01
kamaljkr won.. 1 up
Round 1, match 37, Tie 295.
I Won 5up 3 to play.
Round 1 Match 7 Tie 52
knaut v LongJohn77
Knaut wins 1up
Match 15
Tie 117
aliesen win drillboss 3up
Rocky12101 wins 1 UP against ShadyShot in Rd 1 Match 10 Tie #77.
match 18
Tie 143
ruben04050 wins 3 up vs PaulBurtner