Round 2
match 14
Dazorkers Rectoids vs Texas GC 5
NCmike71 defeats ddmcdaid5 4&2
Match 10 Tie 373
BShake08 defeats JaunjoAviles in a very well played match
Match 10 Tie 376
Jsmithers Defeats dzonwejin
Round #2
Match #19
Tie #444
frodo684 vs Dieker0
frodo684 wins over Dieker0 3&2
Win for B&F Blood Knights
Match 12
Tie # 388
Qa47eR vs allqvie
Kasias knights vs the penalty box 4
Qa47eR wins 1 up
Match 37
Tie: 591
Zfflz defeats mehdii
Match 16
Tie 423
Turboscott1 v Schelbauer
match finished A/S
good game gents
Match 31
Tie 542
COUKLF defeats lorin61 by 2 up after 18 holes
Match 3
Tie 318
Legal Force wins 3 & 2 vs Micheltho
Michel holed out from over 170 yds on the 4th and I will vouch for the distance if he submits it.
Match 14
Tie #401
Carolurex defeated TexLonghorn88 8&6
Tie #404
Austinite defeated UNOmaverick17 4&3