Round 2 Match 17 Tie #427
Ciombo89play defeted mikeharris119
mikeharris119 withdrew from the match when he was 5 down on hole #6. He texted Ciombo89play saying "You were kicking me, I will concede the match"
Rd 2 Match 26 Tie 500
VMFG Daws Drivers vs TFC1 Fowl Assassins
Matthenrick2060 defeats DanC2807 4up
Round 2 Match 30 Tie 530
teabagger72 def Francoistheman1 4up
played very well for a 1st time player and a very nice guy
Round 2
match 14
tie 407
Dazorkers Rectoids vs TexasGC 5
Sdara85 wins over Qdog650. 2&1.
Round 2 Match #31 Tie #544
Dudes Of Hazzards VS. SEL Dark Horses.
JoeHawg wins 1up vs. NeetMr
Round 2, match 30, tie 529
magiceire defeated Duxx
Round #2
Match #19
Tie #441
Ketket1 vs 1AlphaGolfer1
The match finished AS
One point for each team
match 24
tie 481
Tabarnak777 wins against donkey8798
Round 2 Match 9 Tie 365
JustinDavid92 defeated rob22201 in a 18-hole match play game on TORREY PINES GOLF COURSE
Round 2 , Match 27 , Tie 508
16 Mar