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Angry at showdown player

Fri, Jan 24 2025 11:50 AM (8 replies)
  • spa75
    368 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2025 4:44 AM

       Not happy infact im fuming,  was just playing  showdown  was on last 3 holes and on course for first place at best  if not atleast top five ,    from the start my opponent was being foul mouthed on the chat  saying no slow play but with worse language and he kept it going so I said, I will take as much time as I need . To which he said oh yeah Lots of expletives  we will see , then he started knocking ball bck  down the course and doing whatvever it is that ppl do to make load just spin for ages, next thing I know  game shuts down on me and when I got itvbck open  there was no saved game and I was given 3 bogies,  this is so unfair  and just not  right.   Ty to  Delaynononoglty  you absolute #÷×#.

    I know your not supposed to name people but I dont care.   Dont play this idiot.


    I  have left short message on profile page and im sure he'll answer bck.which im looking forward too  coz I can be foul mouthed too.

    This player needs to be banned because its not right what he's doing to other players, its totally out of order.

  • spa75
    368 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2025 5:01 AM


    I have left a message with wgt contact and support,  but im sure nothing will come of it  as per.


    Edit, so is now a week later  (14th) and still no response from wgt support,     I mean any response would of been nice even it was just to say ,   stop being such a moaning Minnie  and we can't help.

    Which is kind of what I expected (we can't help).  But absolutely nothing really,  just makes me think they don't care about their long time players or any players.  

     Oh well never mind,    off to  go play in  royal showdown  LOL,   

    Gl all ,  🀐πŸ€ͺ

  • AlaskanDame
    19,831 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2025 10:11 AM

    Not a great start to his WGT career.  He was a level 5 Hack when you played.  Now a level 17 Amateur.  While there are other foul mouths out there, this seems to be another case where Showdown match-ups that were more fair might help.  No Hack should be paired for a showdown, imho, at least not with a high tier. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,758 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2025 10:15 AM

    Have you ever considered... boycotting it? They won't change a thing as long as there are people playing it.

    Ever since I ran into that ridiculous 3-bogey glitch the first time I tried Showdown, I haven’t even bothered looking at it. It’s been, what, 4-5 years now?

    Why wade through a pile of πŸ’© and then complain when you step in it? 😁


  • spa75
    368 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2025 4:31 PM

    Hello, ,  so I kind of want to apologise fot my outburst πŸ€”.   Probably wasn't the best place to do it but at the time was wound up and not really thinking right.     It wouldn't of bothered me if it was just a standard coin game I probably would of just laughed it off and said yeah whatever and forfeited myself.  It was just the fact it was last 3 holes and at wcreek so probably the chance of atleast 4 under just on those holes which would of been definitely 1st,  so it just really got me vexed.  Oh well,  wish in one hand,  πŸ’© in the other,  see which one fills up first. 🀣

    AlaskanDame ,     I also thought it was a poor matching and had wondered why wgt wasn't matching  better,   normally when I get matched up with a the lowest tiered players im strait on chat apologising  for  the mis match,   but I didn't even get a chance,  they was at it b4 I even teed off.

    Simonthebeetle,       yep I had thought about not playing hence the reason I play in rookie showdown,, the last few times I've played it ive had no problems coz if and when players did leave they've all forfeited properly which meant it didnt  glitch and has allowed me to carry on,  Ty to them and lucky for me. 


    ✌🏌‍β™‚οΈπŸŒπŸŒ‍β™€οΈβœŒ πŸ€ͺ 😁


  • flatstick96
    233 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2025 3:39 PM

    Incredible that the "autobogey" problem still exists. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be, but the fact that it still happens is just bananas to me. It has literally existed since day 1 of the very first showdown.

  • spa75
    368 Posts
    Wed, Jan 15 2025 3:49 AM

    Hello all,      yesterday I edited my second post  saying  a week later and no reply from wgt support  ect.   Well I actually got a reply a couple of hours later,( must of read my post,  lol) and this is what they said........


    Hi thank you for your message, 

                               A showdown  game is supposed to let you finish your holes and keep your score when your opponent forfeits. It should only give bogies if you forfeit a showdown  game or have un-played holes when the leaderboard closes.   Unfortunately some players are being given bogies incorrectly when their opponent leaves, as if they forfeited  if  a  showdown rnd ends early. 

    Our QA  team is looking further into the issue and we hope to have it resolved soon.

    We have refunded the entry credits back to your account and we apologize for this issue. 


    Woo hoo im rich I got my  10 credits bck  lol  .   Just happy I got a reply .

    Good luck all play well.    

  • RaoulDukeMU
    11 Posts
    Sat, Jan 18 2025 6:45 PM

    Yep, it's the reason I stick to the Rookie showdowns.  The one time I decided to step up I got screwed the same way. So I just play Rookie, don't take it very seriously, and as long as I win a ball I figure I'm a winner. 

  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2025 11:50 AM

    another issue in the showdowns is the whiners who whine that you are playing below your level, when even the expert level puts you into the Montreal Room


    Ran into one of those when I made 2 bombs from > 30 feet on back to back holes