callaghan159:I can tell you I had this same error message. I always do the video thing first thing in the morning while have my coffee and watch the news and sports highlights. I had this error message for at least 30 mins from the time I logged on. As far as him being banned I have no idea what that is about. Cheers
I see. Well, then we might simply conclude that WGT wasn't too happy with whatever the guy was trying to do there. 😉 Cheers.
You can't trust Brians answer he will do and say anything to get out of losing a game .
That, I dunno, Vic. What I find kinda funny instead is that a 10½-year-old member says "Just call me Champ. 14 plus years in the making but I reached it."
It must be either the guy's horribly bad at maths or he's using the wrong account. Maybe another one won't be searchable pretty soon. 😂