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Swinging with the meter both ways for more realism

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Sun, May 5 2013 3:53 PM (7 replies)
  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 10:38 AM


    Some might want to kill me for this not sure....

    However wouldn't it make more sense and be more realistic and a little more challenging if you had the meter travelling BOTH ways. It starts off on sweet spot (ding spot), it starts moving to the left on first click, you have to click to stop it at the desired power level and then it travels towards the sweet spot where you have to click again.

    Right now you have people calculating "avatar" movements and basically you can move the swing meter back at your leisure and pinpoint it exactly where you want, you cant do that with a real golf swing, another reason scores are very low here.

    My suggestion if this does go forward would be to have the swing meter travel at about HALF speed in the backswing. Like many a real player the backswing is slower and should be easier to control than the forward swing. The idea here is to add a little challenge only and make it more realistic without making it too hard.

    Okay, putting on anti-tomatoe suit now.....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 10:46 AM

    The idea's been tossed about a little in the past. Basically the 3 click swing that Links used to use. I liked it but I shudder to think of what that would be like with the meter balking here, such as it does. Oiy! 

    The difficulty in hitting perfect is in itself the biggest equalizer here and IMO makes this very realistic. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't-just like on the real thing. The real good players just do it more consistently.




  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 10:46 AM

    Basically a "3 click swing", much like the old days of Links and MS Golf?

    I doubt anyone is really going to flame you for that recommendation.   :)

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:21 AM


    Basically a "3 click swing", much like the old days of Links and MS Golf?

    I doubt anyone is really going to flame you for that recommendation.   :)


    Hehe, well I wasnt sure if some oldtime users who have grown so accustomed to the current meter might get upset. 

    I do think it is a good suggestion overall, barring it making the meter more "buggy" as YJ mentions. 

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:14 PM

    One more thing I would like to see on the swing meter which again would add a little challenge AND realism.  

    Have an "overpower" zone.  I know other past golf games had this and I liked it quite a bit (bad memory stops me from naming what they were)

    So now the meter is heading left from the start (as described in OP) , you now have a "ding" on the left you must hit or it goes into the overpowered zone (just like in golf when you swing too hard the results are not usually desirable, sometimes though)

    So just like in real golf, if you manage to still hit the sweet spot on the ball (here on the forward swing right ding) you might get a nice powerful ball with a few extra yards than normal.  However often when you try to hit it too hard your balance goes off and well, you golfers out there know the results, nice hook or slice     

    If possible, the best way to implement this is to have the meter speed go a little faster on the forward swing IF you entered the overpower zone (more into it, faster you go as well), making the righthand ding a little harder to hit.  again the realism.   

    I remember one game in particular too that I used to play, when you went full power (all the way into the red overpower zone on the left) and you missed the righthand ding, the results were exaggerated somewhat (like worse than normal hook) , not unlike real golf once again. 

    I really think a meter like this would add a TON to the game, maybe others will disagree!  LOL 


  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 10:30 AM

    This is a VERY old suggestion thread, but I still feel exactly the same about it now after coming back and playing again.  

    A 3 click meter (with a slower backwing than forward swing) is really holding the game back from being more realistic.  

    As it is taking all the time you want on a backswing is silly really, and I would also like to see an overpower zone where if you venture into it you get some extra distance if you hit the ball right on the downswing, but of course are MORE penalized for an off hit.  

    WGT brought us lies, finally, which I see are still in the practice stage but at least they are in progress, I would sure like to see this more realisitic Golf Swing come too.  

    BTW - I think the tool that puts lines on the meter should be there permanently and NOT something people have to buy, not good form imho on that one.  

  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 7:18 AM



    Some might want to kill me for this not sure....

    However wouldn't it make more sense and be more realistic and a little more challenging if you had the meter travelling BOTH ways. It starts off on sweet spot (ding spot), it starts moving to the left on first click, you have to click to stop it at the desired power level and then it travels towards the sweet spot where you have to click again.

    Right now you have people calculating "avatar" movements and basically you can move the swing meter back at your leisure and pinpoint it exactly where you want, you cant do that with a real golf swing, another reason scores are very low here.

    My suggestion if this does go forward would be to have the swing meter travel at about HALF speed in the backswing. Like many a real player the backswing is slower and should be easier to control than the forward swing. The idea here is to add a little challenge only and make it more realistic without making it too hard.

    Okay, putting on anti-tomatoe suit now.....

    How about NO!!!!!!!!

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 3:53 PM

    Jayjonbeach - LOVE YA, MEAN IT!!

              I've been battling this game for (only) 2 years and think that I'm getting a little closer to understanding it (LOL).

              Candidly, what I REALLY DON'T NEED NOW is somebody changing the way it plays!

               If you really think (-notice how I'm avoiding the word "feel"-) that this game is not challenging enough just wait a few more years when the reflexes slow down.

                Perhaps this is a great suggestion for Legends or Tour Legends -but please WGT - don't 'fix' it anymore right now!!