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Using the Aiming Arc.

Thu, Jan 7 2010 12:53 PM (5 replies)
  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:23 AM
    Can anyone tell me, if I set a line of play using the aiming arc... then mishit my shot... does the ball deviate from my intended line of play... or the default line of play. Any reponses would be greatly appreciated....
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:37 AM

    The aiming arc has no effect on your ball's flight whatsoever.

    This is a guideline only.


  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:43 AM
    Its not a question of ball flight. the question is about the intended line of play... I move the arc onto my intended line... misshit and then is the lateral deviation from MY line of play or the default line of play... Thanks for the response.
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:49 AM

    The ball will generally go where you have placed the aimer. Mishit severity will be applied to your aim line, not the default line and is based on a few different factors including lie type, depth, spin rate, club precision and where you strike on the meter.

    Most players kinda glaze over the fact that all clubs have PRECISION ratings and precision affects ball flight whether it's a mishit or not.  In other words, it's very possible with low precision clubs (Starters, Raptures) to ding the meter and still have the ball start off the intended target line.  The low precision dictates that the ball will not always go where you aimed it and thus is the result for some of the discrepancies you see in the results.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 12:31 PM

    My experience has been if you miss on the wrong side of perfect the resulting flight of the ball immediately moves from the default aim in that direction. R to L wind and you pull the shot the ball's going left immediately, not from your aim point.

    Discussion about aiming by missing and the results can be found here.......

  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 12:53 PM
    thanks for the replies everyone. It now makes sense to me