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WGT customer service

Sun, Mar 9 2025 8:41 AM (35 replies)
  • traveller24
    2 Posts
    Thu, Jan 16 2025 6:04 PM

    Does customer service even exist?

  • borntobesting
    9,806 Posts
    Sat, Jan 18 2025 10:12 AM


    Does customer service even exist?

    They do and do a good job too. But they are just like any other people. Treat them with respect when you make a request and you will get help much quicker than if you treat them with disrespect,

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2025 11:07 AM


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,796 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2025 4:21 PM

    EDIT : All good! 👍👍

  • pmm711
    5,829 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2025 12:23 AM



    Look at his profile on and his Activity List.  The last page, 8, shows he joined on Jan 7th…but his name is different (travelek00). Why is that?

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2025 12:35 AM

    I noticed that too Paul when looking at a newbies profile some while ago, but it appears to be the unique part of your profile URL...

    Maybe now that there are so many WGT members, it takes the software a little while before it can connect your chosen username to your unique URL ID and uses that in the first activity post instead of your username.

    Just my thoughts though.  : )

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2025 7:35 AM

    I'm guessing what's going on with account is the player is transferring the account (for example, moving from something like Facebook to a regular account). I seem to recall that back in the day, this happened every once in a while.

    For example, a player was deleting their Facebook account but didn't want start over. WGT would work with player to advance the person in both level and tier. That's why you would occasionally see someone advance so quickly.

    The above might also explain player's post on 1/16 asking if customer service exists.He might have created the account and then contacted customer service for help in getting back to level/tier he was at previously.

    Just a thought.

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2025 8:11 AM

    Thanks Robert. I do remember that process being mentioned before but the details have become somewhat patchy.  8 )

  • traveller24
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2025 9:25 AM

    Let me clear this up for you. I had a previous account at which stage I was at champion tier level 103. I had become very frustrated with the game and after 11 years and thousands of dollars invested in the game ( Australian dollars) I wasn't enjoying it any more. I like probably a lot of others though had become addicted to it, but decided to delete my account. This is where the situation I found myself in started. Let me preface this in saying that if I delete my account, I expect and would have thought that it would have been deleted. After 2 weeks and boredom setting in I decided I wanted to play again, I didn't try and use the account I had requested deletion of as to my knowledge it had been. I started a new account and started from scratch, I bought new equipment and advanced through the tiers, the equipment I bought was restricted to the tier I was in. The only advantage I believe I had over other players in and around that tier was I understood the game probably more and I had mathematically worked out club distances in relation to the meter increments. I was playing a stroke game against 2 others, I was at about level 40 tour pro and 1 of the players was at I believe level 91 and similar or tier. He was struggling with his game and proceeded to call me a cheat. He ended up leaving the game. The game was completed and the other player who stayed on couldn't believe the ranting of the player who had left. He had obviously contacted WGT and reported me as a cheat, because I was contacted by administration and asked how many accounts I have. To my knowledge I had only the one I was currently using as I had deleted the other. They investigated the situation and obviously noticed I had in fact deleted the previous account, but they hadn't deleted it. As far as I was concerned I only had 1 active account, in the T&C's that they sent me it does clearly state that a person can only have one "active" account and anything other is looked upon as cheating. They acknowledged the situation and after firstly deleting my new account before the inquiry, reinstated it but gave me the tier and level I was at with the previous account. In hindsight they should have just reinstated the old account as I was now at a level with insufficient equipment, hence having to spend a sufficient amount to be competitive at that level. Yes I probably did the wrong thing, but I'm sure that I'm not the only person competing in the lower tiers to have done something similar,  it is evident in game play that is surely the case.

  • HenryKawa
    1,738 Posts
    Fri, Feb 7 2025 11:03 AM

    Let the bells ring out and banners fly.  Feast your eyes on me.  Its too good to be true, but I'm here, I'm really here!   Anyone happy to see me?