Beans is ready, come and git it !
Missed ya'll, good to be back. But after a 4 month Hiatus I may need to go back to Hack status!
ps....How did MIo get back? Is Lizzie seeing anyone? Did CanineSupervisor ever "come out of the closet" ?, is Andyson still alive or is he in an "Old Folk's" home by now? Is BoraxinhisBritches still the resident "HotDog" Tiffer, I reckon you married Claire by now?
Howdies to Ren, Yancy, AGArgent, Niv, AvatarLee, Pug, sdorr, sweetiepie, golfspieler,YankeeJim, Zag, 3Jack and all you guys !! I really suck right'd be a real good time to bet me.