In our first round match we played players from Italy and South Africa. We are in the central time zone in the US. All players worked together to get the match done and we finished it within a few days with no issues. I just don't see why we reward players who don't play their matches by giving them a bye through to the next round. In a large tournament like this you can't make exceptions, especially if they totally screw up the brackets of the tournament.
One or both of the teams who can't get their match finished have to forfeit. The tournament director should choose which one doesn't go through. We have a tough 2nd round match, why not just don't try to play and get a bye through for both of us. This isn't 3rd grade kickball, we don't all get awards for participating.
If you can't spend the time to get your match done, don't sign up.
I agree with TarheelsRule
Myself and Dash71 played them, there was a massive gap in time difference, but I reckon we could have organized to play them a further 10 times since then. We had three messages sent back and forth just to confirm the time, pitched up and we played. Simple.
We played hard and lost to a better team, with a bit of luck things might have gone different, but ce la vie.
In my mind, having played a very good team from The Deviations first round, coming close but losing is cool with me. However I wouldn't think it to be fair that we were better organized, played a better team, lost and went out, but another team who has not bothered organizing anything, did not play, but gets through to the next round.
If a game hasn't been played in the designated time period, I feel that's the fault of both teams, and as a result, both should be eliminated form the tournament. It should maybe be seen as worse than a loss, as it effects the integrity of the tournament and the huge efforts put forward by BootsAndBra. Where as a loss can at least be seen as an effort made to play, and adhere to all the rules set in place. Same amount of points are awarded for a loss and a bye which is, Zero. However a game played is at least a step up from one not having been played at all.