I'll respectfully disagree with you Bootsie and agree with what our opponents in the first round said. If you move forward, then it is the same as a win. They lost to us and they are out, the other teams didn't play and they both move forward.
The tournament was set up as a 64 team bracket, you could look and see who was in your half / quarter, etc. When you let team by into the next round, frankly I don't even know how you can do what you are talking about, you ruin the brackets. We were set to play a totally different team, Helga's House of Pain I think and now we play a different one for whatever reason.
The players play the game and win or lose but the tournament director has to make strides to be fair to all players. The integrity of the tournament is compromised when you don't enforce the rules for everyone. I realize that we have different time zones, etc. but we made it work and frankly if you can't make it work you shouldn't enter the tournament. One of the players might have to stay up late to play but they know that when they sign up.
If I want to make a point and mess around and not get our match with our opponent done in the next round, what happens do I go through.