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WGT Belt World Champion Knock-Out

Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:50 PM (67 replies)
  • coolswing
    1,017 Posts
    Fri, Jun 25 2010 12:33 PM

    Hi All,

    Finally got to play the match with my good mate Screwer tonight and here's the scorecard -

    Here's a brief recap of our match:

    I was lucky to win the 1st hole after Screwer 3 putted from the back edge of the green.  He then got it back to even after hitting a great approach to about 1 ft !  I then went on to win the next hole with a birdie and we halved the next 4 holes with some good play from both of us.  At the 8th hole, after my average tee shot that landed in the middle of the green and about 42 ft away, Screwer hit his tee shot to about 30 ft from the hole.  I somehow managed to drain the long putt and Screwer's putt just ran by the rim of the hole and it was over.  Good game and great company as I was getting some update on the Spain and Chile match as well ! lol ! 

    Thanks again Ellis and I'm sorry for holding things up a bit, it was just difficult for us to meet up due to the time zone difference.

    749 Posts
    Fri, Jun 25 2010 1:54 PM

    Coolio only won because i was tanked up with Carling & watching the World cup  :)

    Hehe........ seriously too good for me in this match was Coolio & what a gr8 way to win a match with a 40 footer,,,,,,,,, well played Coolio & good luck in the final

    Spain won 2-1 Coolio,,         ((((((((((((( ENGLAND )))))))))))))))))

  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Mon, Jun 28 2010 8:14 AM

    So, we have our two finalists; Jakestanfill7 and Coolswing, both past 'Legend' belt holders in the past.

    The rules for the final will be the same, except it'll over 2 9 hole games, with a game being chosen by each player. The winner after those games will be the World Belt Champion.

    Good luck to the best of you, and to every who was in this tourney.

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 12:28 PM

    What a match.  We decided to go a full 18 hole match on Oakmont.  Every time I would go 1 up Cool would rally back to square the match.  I finally got a break and won the 17th when he drew an awful lie in the greenside bunker.  Then he had to press a bit on 18 and I was able to persevere.

    GG to you Cool.  Truly a class act and one of the toughest competitors on our beloved site.

  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 12:46 PM

    And we have a world champion! Well done Jakestanfill7, who has shown himself to be better than the other former champions, and as such gets the title.

    Also a well done to Coolswing for making the final, and everyone else who ever got a belt in their time. All of them was worthy of their title.

    The WGT Belt tourney is now over on the WGT forums, and I hope that you'll all join the belt again on WGTLS when the tourney is back up and running.

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 7:57 PM

    TY Ellis.  Great tourney and very well run all the way through.  Still waiting on my trophy.  LOL.  Kidding of course.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 8:03 PM


     Still waiting on my trophy.  LOL.  Kidding of course.

    i don't think you are!


  • coolswing
    1,017 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:50 PM

    Congrats to Jake on a well played match.  I gave it my best shot but in the end Oakmont still got me good ! lol !

    Thanks again Ellis for putting on the tourney as well as running the WGT Belt, good job and we look forward to your next tourney.