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UPDATE:Bilko's Putter Pal - New Wind Calculator

Sat, Mar 15 2025 6:20 PM (231 replies)
  • cbbcrazy
    488 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 9:41 AM


    I have looked at your putter pal and I could really, really use it.  Since making master my putting sucks and then sucks again.  I tried to download it where you said to do so but never could get it to download.

    I have no idea if you have one for the lvl.19 SPider putter but that is what I am using.  I have looked and tried many but keep coming back to this one.  If you would be so nice to send all of your putter pals to me as I am sure I will buy a putter to fit one of them.  I would however prefer the lvl.19 if you have it.

    Let me know if there is a credit charge for this or what I need to do to repay you for your time and efforts.

    Thanks in advance

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 11:25 AM



    I have looked at your putter pal and I could really, really use it.  Since making master my putting sucks and then sucks again.  I tried to download it where you said to do so but never could get it to download.

    I have no idea if you have one for the lvl.19 SPider putter but that is what I am using.  I have looked and tried many but keep coming back to this one.  If you would be so nice to send all of your putter pals to me as I am sure I will buy a putter to fit one of them.  I would however prefer the lvl.19 if you have it.

    Let me know if there is a credit charge for this or what I need to do to repay you for your time and efforts.

    Thanks in advance

    check your profile page. I think you can use the one for the ghost putter.

  • cbbcrazy
    488 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 2:05 PM

    Thanks Sgt.Bilko:


    I live just south of Owensboro,  Kentucky and I am a die hard UK fan for sure.  You know the ones I'm talking about.   The 2012 National Champions, yeah  baby !!!!!

    Hey, all bullcrap aside,  I sincerely thank you for this and its even more special coming from a fellow Kentuckian.

    Have a great day


  • DaveGator
    41 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 7:06 PM

    Could you please forward a putter pal chart when you make one for the starter putter?

    Thanks so much!


  • Snowman00
    3 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 10:16 PM

    would you mind sending me the file for the ghost. email is thank you very much

  • sallu4u
    87 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 11:38 AM

    Please send me the file for rosa at ....thx

    p.s. i tried your download link but its not working,showing invalid link.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 5:39 AM


    Could you please forward a putter pal chart when you make one for the starter putter?

    Thanks so much!


    please go to the first page of this thread, you can download it....

  • linksdude
    1,585 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 3:06 PM

    Great job on the putter pal, SgtBilko. I use it with the Ghost and it is very accurate on fast greens. To simplify the thing and make it more compact, I deleted the row for 15 feet and just use 25 and 50.

    I can already see that as I get into "Very Fast" and "Tournament" greens I'll have to make some adjustments. I'm thinking about just changing the numbers and printing a new putter pal. What are Tournament greens, about 2 feet faster? I think I'll change the chart so on the 25-feet it goes from 3 to 27, and on the 50-feet so it goes from 4 to 54. That should be perfect for Tourney green speeds.

    Anyway, thanks again for coming up with this. It's small enough that I just leave it permanently taped to my monitor so it's always ready to go. It works really good for me, if I could only learn to hit the damned ding...:-)


  • DavidKrupi
    3 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2012 11:04 AM

    Please send to I'd be very grateful:)

  • nyctc7
    160 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 11:58 PM

    Hi, I downloaded your putter pal but it does not have--as far as I can tell--the added conversion chart for green speeds. 

    I know there is a conversion chart here

    But I'm confused because that chart has 10 increments and yours has 25 increments.

    Do you have a conversion chart for all 25 increments?