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Method to ding putts?

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Wed, Feb 1 2012 10:08 AM (18 replies)
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  • RSmall42
    28 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2012 9:37 AM

    The obvious answer to this is "just practice," but in case there is a method - then I should ask!

    Basically what is happening is that my distance control is pretty much spot-on. My reads are close enough to be "acceptable" to me. But my ability to ding the putt is horrible! Not counting wildly banked breaks or anything like that, my ability to make a putt farther out than about 3 feet is unreliable.

    I have estimated that if I could just learn to ding my putts, I would gain probably 4-5 shots per round. Maybe more. That is how close all other aspect are on my putting, but I just can't seem to hit the ball right.

    So, do some people have a method to the way they ding putts? I recently started trying to stay on the "short end" of the meter but in reality I think that is only a very small part of the issue. I'm using the Ghost 35, so meter speed is fairly slow anyway.

    Again, the answer is probably "practice more", but can't hurt to ask. :)

  • strikerseasy
    65 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2012 10:09 AM

    i have dinged very few putts in my short career starting in June.  the reason i don't ding is because i want the putt to start off going rt or lt  unless its a straight in putt.  in that case which is rare you can try counting 1 1000  2 1000 etc to get your speed of your finger to match something.  i am 66 and my reflexes are not what they were.  also the new nike  putter  runs a very slow meter  its actually  too slow for me i get the gimps and click 2 soon. but the counting system helped me adjust to the faster meters as i progressed up to master.  good luck and practice  grin . also a lot of putting advice appears here in the forums .  striker

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2012 10:16 AM

    This may or may not help. Click on the top section of the video for larger viewing


  • Sunfyre7896
    51 Posts
    Thu, Jan 26 2012 11:51 PM

    What are we actually looking for here? That this chick is ridiculous at making long shots with tiger like reflexes of the finger? lol. . . Maybe, seriously, it's to pull the meter left instead of up to start it. That still won't help the ding I don't think. That's just a matter of either really great eye and/or finger reflexes or extreme luck. That meter was crazy fast too. That's why I'm getting the Nike 001 putter with the best stats but slowest speed. 

  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 1:21 AM

    Well, I use the "Intentional Miss" method unless I'm dealing with a perfectly strait putt.  Meaning I read the break, move my aimer just short of where I want it, then intentionally miss on either the left or right side of the ding line, whichever way I need to add more break. If you are going to try this...always miss against the break.  If you miss with the break, you are going to end up pretty far away from the hole.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 3:17 AM

    I don't move the Aimer at all, unless it's a very fast break left or right. I click either side of ding depending what the roll is. The only time I ding it, if it's a straight putt.


  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 5:34 AM


    Well, I use the "Intentional Miss" method...

    I think a better term is "playing outside the lines", or maybe "moving the ding".  I'm not missing the ding, if I'm not aiming for it.  Of course, I often miss the ding, even when I am aiming for it, which I think is the OP's problem.  The only solution I've thought of is hiring someone to be my designated clicker.  But since I don't usually aim for the ding line, it would be hard to explain to them exactly where I would want them to click.

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 6:33 AM


    how do you deal with the putt length when hitting a severe off-ding?

    I notice that the putts come shorter, but how much?

  • casperturk
    484 Posts
    Fri, Jan 27 2012 6:57 AM


    Well, I use the "Intentional Miss" method ........Meaning I read the break, move my aimer just short of where I want it, then intentionally miss on either the left or right side of the ding line, 


    'I know what you mean but i don't get it. If you're good enough to read the break just short of where I want it, why not move it that fraction to put it in the right place and ding the putt.


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