just wondering if its possible in your future planning if we can have tournaments based on prizemoney won by the individual player, this could make for some fairer tournaments. with the likes of bollux, avatarlee, mrenn, and many others who accumalated thousands in prizemoney, play in comps amongst themselves, and for the lesser legends who just cant match it with those guys, and this goes for all tiers, not just legends. example > tournament 1 ( legend only with prizemoney already won between 2000 - 4000 ) tournament 2 ( legend only with prizemoney won between 1000 - 1999 ), and so on .... whats people's views on this . as i believe players prizemoney is a better guide than there averages to how good or what tier they should be playing. because when prizemoney is on the line u would expect hardly no sandbagging.