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Why TWO will never compare to WGT...

Sun, Jan 17 2010 12:01 PM (22 replies)
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2010 1:57 PM

    Take a look at the screenshots below.  Please keep in mind that these are taken today (1/14/10) less than 48 hours after a complete character wipe.  (That means that these scores are from the weakest toon golfers who have not yet been able to use their 'winnings' to increase distance, accuracy, putting, etc etc)









    Freaking Wolf Creek... a 38 on a par 72.  That's 2 strokes short of an Eagle on every hole.  There are 15 players listed in the scores for Wolf Creek and not one of them has a score of 50.

    Ridiculous cartoon golf for the twitchy thumbs generation.

    As I've said before... ANYONE who tries to claim TWO isn't cartoon golf will be laughed at and ridiculed.  These scores confirm it.

    Sure, it's a fun game... as long as you remember it's a game and has absolutely nothing to with anything even resembling golf.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2010 3:12 PM

    I went over and played TWO just to compare to WGT since WGT seems pretty slow getting around to things like bug fixes, new courses, player suggestions etc.

    Tibbets has a point that some things there might be considered better but overall I think WGT is by far the better game and has more overall potential too. 

    I'm hoping they will get off the pot soon, they could really run with this thing, could be big but they have to start acting and reacting rather than a wait and see approach. 

    Just my 2 centavos

  • drivnchaos
    286 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2010 6:13 PM

    Freaking Wolf Creek... a 38 on a par 72.  That's 2 strokes short of an Eagle on every hole.  There are 15 players listed in the scores for Wolf Creek and not one of them has a score of 50.

    You forgot to mention that is from the beginners tees, where, you can drive most greens. If the upper crust here ever had the chance to do that,  you would see the same scores. They have already scored in the low 50's from the "ladies" tees  so not a stretch to believe that. 

    I think there is a great deal both of these games could learn from each other. Here the people complain about deviations, meter stutter, clubs not working properly, games not loading properly, play being too hard, etc...etc...etc....  There the people complain about the game being too easy, the physics being wrong, the game not loading properly, the clubs not working properly, etc...etc...etc..... Seems like alot of the same complaints

    What answer do we get here...... Clear your cache, shut down other windows, we're on beta, we're looking into that, .....etc....etc....etc.....

    What answer do we get "there" ??????


    Welcome back, everyone! This week’s updates and fixes are listed below. 

    While beta testing Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Online, please look for these features and fixes and continue to report any issues you encounter using our feedback options. 

    Gameplay & In-Game Bugs: 

    - Tuned physics to be more forgiving of putts on a level green 

    - Tuned physics to give a lower penalty for hitting out of rough (tuned across all rough lengths) 

    - Tuned physics on sidehill lies so that shots are not as severely affected by the angle of the lie 

    - Random Wind direction tuned to be more realistic 

    - Fixed issue in IE8 that caused the user to receive a Connection Loss error when launching in Compatibility Mode 

    - Keyboard Arrow Key controls tuned to be more responsive when moving aimer on the green 

    - Fixed bug where user was unable to club down and would need to cycle through all clubs instead 

    - Fixed issue with Chip shot animation appearing unnatural 

    - Fixed bug which prevented users from unlocking Course Mastery Objectives involving earning money 

    - Tuned Wentworth #7 on Expert pins to be more forgiving when putting 

    - Fixed an issue on Wentworth where user’s default shot is Pitch on the green 

    - Fixed a bug when hitting into water hazard on Sheshan #9 causing user to be placed too close to bushes 

    - Fixed an issue on Wolf Creek #14 on Black Tees that causes default shot to go out of bounds 

    - Fixed an issue on Pebble Beach #3 where the ball appeared to bounce of an invisible wall from the Black Tees 

    - Tuned Fly-by audio commentary for Wolf Creek #10 

    - Fixed issue on *. Andrews #16 where the user was able to hit the ball from behind fences 

    - Fixed a bug where disconnecting and reconnecting awarded all possible Objectives 

    - Fixed an issue where switching shot type while transitioning to Putt Preview caused UI to disappear 

    - Fixed issue where changing the Full Screen Resolution resulted in an incorrect confirmation loop 

    - Fixed issue where Reporting a Bug in-game causes user to lose interface 

    - Fixed issue where users could attempt to resume a forfeited round 

    - Fixed issue that caused the in-game menu to appear incorrectly when changing from windowed mode to certain full screen resolutions 

    - Fixed bug where sometimes the post shot animation only displays the pin and the golfer 

    - Fixed issue during Demo where tips overlap 

    - Fixed bug where being removed from game via shot clock violations sometimes causes a softlock 

    - Changed text in Multiplayer when another player finishes a hole to be more user friendly 

    - Updated TWO logos in-game 


    - Skill ratings are now an average of the player’s last 25 tie breaker scores. Previously calculated on the last 10 tiebreaker scores. 

    - Decreased the maximum skill rating for Beginner, Amateur, and Pro tournaments to prevent higher-skilled players from entering lower-tiered tournaments 

    - Beginner tournaments maximum skill rating decreases from 400-200. 

    - Amateur tournaments maximum skill rating decreases from 800-600. 

    - Pro tournaments maximum skill rating decreases from 1600-1400. 

    - Tie-breaker scores have been changed so that they correlate to the tournament tier that you are playing in (Beginner, Amateur, Pro, Tour Pro) 

    - Lower tiered tournaments produce potentially lower tie breaker scores. 

    - Higher tiered tournaments produce potentially higher tie breaker scores. 


    - Demo Thank You page now linking properly 

    - Fixed issue where user’s in-progress Course Objectives were being counted for all courses 

    - Updated TWO logos on website 

    - Tuned game creation flow for ease of use 

    - Fixed Report Group and Report Member buttons to appear more consistent 

    - Fixed issue where Swing Trainer was displaying incorrect number of Putt Previews 

    - Fixed bug where messages in My Recent Activity did not appear in chronological order 

    - Fixed an issue where viewing another player’s Overview displayed your level and not the actual player’s level 

    - Fixed issue where Leaderboards were not updating correctly 

    - Fixed issue where Tournament page would not update leading to several issues 

    - Fixed bug where personas appeared as level 0 on the Find Favorites page 

    - Fixed issue where Game Guide appeared distorted 

    - Fixed bug where Round Objectives would be listed twice 

    - Fixed issue where not all groups were appearing and the website was not displaying more than one page 

    - Updated Facebook messages based on progression and making the Cut 

    - Fixed issue that caused accepted Group Request to incorrectly notify the user that they had an Inbox message 

    - Fixed bug when selecting Appearance that caused “Loading Preview” to appear indefinitely 

    - Updated placeholder image when loading into Course Options 

    - Users without Flash installed will be prompted to install Flash when viewing Swing Trainer 

    - Fixed issue where user is taken to wrong link when selecting links from My Recent Activity 

    - Fixed bug where some users appear with impossibly long putts on Leaderboard 

    - Fixed issue on Tournament page being misaligned when scrolling down and up 

    - Fixed bug where status bar displays dashes for money and average score 

    - Fixed various Javascript errors on website 

    The Cut, Fans & Sponsorships: 

    - Changed the way the Cut is calculated so that grouping is now more general, allowing for a wider percentage of scores to affect the Cut 

    - Tuned Sponsorships and Cutline to ensure proper amounts are awarded 

    - Sponsorship payouts tuned based on golfer’s career progress (higher XP payouts based on level) 

    - Fixed issue where Cut timer counts up instead of down 

    - Fixed issue where users were not always receiving money from their Sponsored players 

    - Fixed issue where Sponsorship money was not being recorded in Total Career Earnings 

    - Fixed issue where Sponsored Favorites were being reset 

    - Fixed an issue where money was displayed instead of XP for Total Potential XP Bonus 

    - Fixed bug where the incorrect date was being displayed for Your Cut Status 

    - Fixed Cutline timer to display the time correctly 


    That is the biggest difference in my opinion

  • bigdilba01
    219 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2010 10:40 PM

    wat do you mean by two, wat golf game is two?

  • columbiacgt
    565 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2010 12:45 AM

    wat do you mean by two, wat golf game is two?



    Tiger Woods Online, aussie boy


    PS I think the proper spelling is  WHAT in english, :-)

  • bigdilba01
    219 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2010 1:59 AM

    yeh i signed up to that but i dont see or know how i can play it

    its always signing me out or every time i go to a new page in the website it signs me out

  • Larryj38
    8 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2010 4:09 AM

    Seems to me I just saw a thread asking about TWO last week & they were referred to the search box.   Upon checking old threads I see this is quite a rerun Snaike so why do you start new threads repeating yourself when you tell us new members not do that.

    701 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2010 4:15 AM

    You got to wait on the confirmation email and then you can log in and play.

    I did all that a couple of months ago, singed up and then the next day they sent the verification email and then I could tee it up.I only played a half a hole and left.I haven't been back.The game sux.

    The biggest difference between WGT is what Driven said and also that you have to learn how to play WGT all by yourself from the door.I don't know of any aids that can be turned on until you get good enough to take the training wheels off.It's either learn or burn here at WGT,just as it is in real golf.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2010 4:44 AM


    Freaking Wolf Creek... a 38 on a par 72.  That's 2 strokes short of an Eagle on every hole.  There are 15 players listed in the scores for Wolf Creek and not one of them has a score of 50.

    You forgot to mention that is from the beginners tees, where, you can drive most greens. If the upper crust here ever had the chance to do that,  you would see the same scores. They have already scored in the low 50's from the "ladies" tees  so not a stretch to believe that. 

    I think there is a great deal both of these games could learn from each other. Here the people complain about deviations, meter stutter, clubs not working properly, games not loading properly, play being too hard, etc...etc...etc....  There the people complain about the game being too easy, the physics being wrong, the game not loading properly, the clubs not working properly, etc...etc...etc..... Seems like alot of the same complaints

    What answer do we get here...... Clear your cache, shut down other windows, we're on beta, we're looking into that, .....etc....etc....etc.....

    What answer do we get "there" ??????


    Welcome back, everyone! This week’s updates and fixes are listed below. 

    While beta testing Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Online, please look for these features and fixes and continue to report any issues you encounter using our feedback options. 

    Gameplay & In-Game Bugs: 

    That is the biggest difference in my opinion


    Wow that is an amazing amount of work for a "week".  Money will allow that no doubt and they have no shortage I'm sure.

    Obviously WGT is not quite in the same park here BUT I still think it has the better game and again more potential.   The graphics and more realistic physics IMO are the big difference. 

    There have been many really good player product suggestions in the forum area, if they can just even take some baby steps and do a few of them, fix the bugs or most (there arent even that many but the ones there are are BAD) and get a new course or two up I think this can really be an outstanding game. 

    Oh and crack down on the "cheaters" too  :)  

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2010 5:29 AM

    Both games are great and the stats posted by Snaike are misleading.

    If you play TWO from standard tees with difficult settings, it's as difficult to master as WGT. You can be thankful for every TWO subpar round, just like here.