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Why TWO will never compare to WGT...

Sun, Jan 17 2010 12:01 PM (22 replies)
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Jan 16 2010 11:32 PM

    Argue all you want, Faterson... it makes no difference to me.

    I have been playing the EA Sports Tiger Woods games since the beginning and have always held that it is cartoon golf.  My reasons are listed here, and in past threads, and no matter how you try to obfuscate the facts with challenges and misdirections, they remain unchanged.

    And no, I will not play your multiplayer setup in either game.  You've already ruined the ladder website for me, I don't see why I would give you the opportunity to destroy these two games as well.

    Ramble on, Faterson, but the fact remains:

    TWO, while a good golf game in it's own right, is still cartoon golf.

    Have a nice day.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Jan 17 2010 4:30 AM

    the fact remains:

    TWO, while a good golf game in it's own right, is still cartoon golf.

    That's anything but a "fact". It's prejudice. Refusing to consider facts is prejudice, too. As has been said: TWO would be cartoon golf if you could be sure of a sub-par round every time; but because you can't be sure, it's not cartoon golf. That's a fact.

    PS: By "ruining the ladder site" you probably mean that attacking fellow site members is not permitted there, something for which I very much spoke up over there, but some folks, for whom "participation" on a site equals to "let's attack this guy", may indeed be missing those "opportunities" on that other site now.

    PS2: Has TWO just been relaunched into another Beta stage? Is it the open Beta now? I've noticed, after logging in to TWO today, that my stats have been reset once again, and the World Golf Tour group of players no longer exists. Are you going to launch it again, Mike?  

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Sun, Jan 17 2010 12:01 PM


    "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Tolerance for others positions or opinions will leads to far fewer "battles" in these forums.

    C'mon guys... please keep it civilized, prompt and to the point!  We know both of your opinions, that is all that is needed.... no need for the ping pong game!

    /kill thread