Well alrighty here's how it comes out :
A Lady and 6 tramps I gave you what is called a 1/2 win and took the player that never showed on the green with ya folks -
11th hour I dunno what went on with that 1 unplayed game but at a 6-0 win it is frustrating so yes I did take your player but I did not hit your team with a loss and I did take their player too which took down team Charlees Unisex Angels 4.
The Moondogs and Highway Robbery Guild - what a horrible thing to be in a 3-3 match and not get that last game played. Since you were tied I did exactly as the tie did - I gave you each something - Moondogs you got 1/2 win because It appears their player was at fault..... and I did not take your player .... Highway Robbery Guild your player seemed to be the problem so I replaced them with Sgt Doodles who has more then shown a willingness to play so you each got something and then Moondogs a little bit more since they had the frustration.
Gonzo Golfers and Charlees Unisex angels 5 I remember talking to someone about this and to be honest I must of deleted my message that keeps notes for me so someone fill me in what the heck is going on again. In meantime I put the teams off to the side.
Task Force One we have a frustrating position for you folks - I can't splat you and take the win from you at the same time because I have the feeling that regardless of TheLighterDark having a busy schedule this past week that game was never going to happen. The reason I think this is because no one brought it to the forum to complain at all. So while you loss your player you did not suffer a loss because the game was never brought to issue by other team.
Okay for the remaining teams ; If you simply click on round 2 you will see where it says Need a player here I simply need to know who will be playing in that spot from your remaining players.Here is the Link