Hot of the press. The next new putter coming to WGT. Putter used in last weekends Sony. Maybe now I'll be able to putt.
Will probably cost 3295 lol. I hope the next thing since the nike putter maybe Nike Victory Irons?
looks like a nintendo ds
Poor Every,,,the media busts his chops over gettin busted for weed; then he's gotta deal with people makin fun of his putter.
i agree.. kelly IS A *** !!!
A satnav on a stick - genius!
I pick my dogs shite up with something that looks like that
He needs a shave, and look at those creases!
Thats just poor management that is.
Lizzie xx
speaking of putters, I've see no mention of belly putters yet, what gives WGT?
He's just picking up his cellphone he dropped earlier. (Mobile) for us English.