WGT, I would like to suggest a new award. One of the most difficult to attain irl golf, and dad gummit!, one that those young bucks like nivlac and avatarlee won't be able to get for years to come!!
It's the I-Shot-My-Age award!
And forget about callin' them the Tin, Bronze, Silver, blah, blah, blah. Use your imagination! Think of the sponsorship possibilities!!
You got your Metamucil award for the first one, then Polident, then Depends, Viagra, and on and on it goes!
I even thought about what the I-Shot-My-Age award could look like.
So, when does it start? Soon I hope! Time's running out. I'm willing to send you a copy of my birth certificate.
If I can ever figure out how to get the rock tablet on the scanner.