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Handicapping System

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Sat, Aug 3 2013 6:20 AM (11 replies)
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  • drakeshead
    285 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 9:17 AM

    This is a Handicapping  System used in the UK I don't know how it works but what I do remember is it does help stop what you call Sandbagging,If you won a Comp and your handicap reduced it would take you about 4 + Comps to get it back to what it was.

    ps; Everybody plays of the same Tee

    How do handicaps change after a ‘Handicap Qualifying’ Competition?

    The competition committee will perform the following calculations:

    1. Compute a ‘Competition Scratch Score’ (CSS) for the competition,
    2. Calculate a ‘nett differential’ for each player. This is the difference between the players’ nett score (score less current handicap) and the CSS,
    3. If the competition is a medal round, possibly adjust the nett differentials under ‘Stableford Adjustment’,
    4. Use each players’ nett differential to adjust their handicap according to the following formula:

    Handicap of player

    Buffer Zone

    Nett Differentials below zero

    Nett Differentials above buffer zone

    Category 1:
    Handicaps up to 5

    0 to +1

    Handicap reduced by 0.1 for each stroke Nett Differential is below zero

    Handicap increased by 0.1

    Category 2:
    Handicaps 6 to 12

    0 to +2

    Handicap reduced by 0.2 for each stroke Nett Differential is below zero

    Handicap increased by 0.1

    Category 3:
    Handicaps 13 to 20

    0 to +3

    Handicap reduced by 0.3 for each stroke Nett Differential is below zero

    Handicap increased by 0.1

    Category 4:
    Handicaps 21 to 28

    0 to +4

    Handicap reduced by 0.4 for each stroke Nett Differential is below zero

    Handicap increased by 0.1

    Category 5:
    Handicaps 29 to 36 (*)

    0 to +5 (*)

    Handicap reduced by 0.5 for each stroke Nett Differential is below zero (*)

    Handicap increased by 0.1 (*)

    (*) Category 5 only applies to Ladies. Men's CONGU® Handicaps stop at 28.

    Where the Nett Differential is within Buffer Zone, no adjustment to handicap is made.

    Back to Top

    How is the Competition Scratch Score calculated?

    This is not a straightforward calculation. Broadly speaking, the calculations follow

    1. For Men; Discount all scores returned by category 4 players (handicaps 21 to 28), for Ladies; Discount all scores returned by category 5 players (handicaps 29 to 36)
    2. Calculate the percentage of players who competed in the competition in each of categories 1, 2 and 3 [and 4 for Ladies],
    3. Calculate the percentage of scores returned by the category 1, 2 and 3 [and 4] players which were two over the Standard Scratch Score of the course, or better.
    4. Use the percentages from (2) and (3) to determine the Competition Scratch Score by referring to a table supplied by CONGU for the purpose.
  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 5:54 PM

    WOW!!! Way over my head. I will take your word for it.

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 6:13 PM

    The problem with handicap systems is that if you shoot a bunch of bad rounds intentionally you can move your index up. In real golf that requires hefty green fees and many, many hours of golf to eliminate low scores from inclusion in your handicap. On WGT, your lowest scores at your current tier are there forever. Posting bad scores to raise your average would way too easy.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,605 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:24 PM

    Actually Leon in real golf, the last 20 scores are used to calculate your handicap, the 10 lowest of those are selected.  That being said you can significantly lower or increase your handicap index by just a few high scores if the oldest scores happen to be low and are going off the calculation.  In wgt the method and large number of scores makes it take longer to significantly lower your score or increase it.

  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:30 PM

    I was told by our club pro that in the UK your handicap does not change during the year. He says that you play with the same handicap for the entire year. Is that true? 

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 9:04 PM


    Actually Leon in real golf, the last 20 scores are used to calculate your handicap, the 10 lowest of those are selected.  That being said you can significantly lower or increase your handicap index by just a few high scores if the oldest scores happen to be low and are going off the calculation.  In wgt the method and large number of scores makes it take longer to significantly lower your score or increase it.

    I know how the USGA handicap system works. Let me put it this way: A handicap can ALWAYS go up; in WGT, once you've played a certain number of rounds, your score average can NEVER go up.

    If WGT used such a system, you could remain at one tier forever and still shoot great scores. Once you neared the next tier, you could play poorly for a while to raise your handicap -- over and over and over. You could shoot thirty 29's, then thirty 50's, then thirty 29's, etc, etc. The way it is now, you can only shoot thirty 29's once, then you get moved up.

    With a handicap, those 29's will be eliminated from the pool of scores used to calculate your index; in WGT they never are. Sandbaggers are stuck with them. That's why they have to avoid ranked rounds. Use a handicap and they could win tons of tier ready gos, "disappear" for a while to jack up their index, then come back and shoot lights out again, winning dozens or hundreds of tournaments at tier X and never moving up.

    That said, I agree totally with the idea of a WGT handicap, which would be great for cc tourneys, among other things -- but not for tier placement.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2012 3:31 AM

    Unfortunately, handicap systems simply are not effective online. Even in real life, they are often on honor system.


  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2012 4:14 AM

    To just clarify a couple of points (and possibly differences between the US and UK systems of handicapping), in the UK a handicap is based on ALL rounds, not just the last 10 or 20.  And yes, it can go up as the detail in the OP shows.  For example, if you had a handicap of 10.2 (playing handicap 10), three bad rounds (more than 2 shots over the competition standard scratch - CSS - in that handicap group) and no good rounds, your handicap would go up 0.1 each time and you would be on 10.5, which would increase your playing handicap to 11.  And if you then shot 4 under the CSS you would come down 0.8 which would bring you down to 9.7 and you would again be playing off 10.  You would then need 8 more bad games (and no good ones) to increase to 11 again.

    Club secretaries also have the ability to increase or reduce a player's handicap based on general play, where they feel that a player is consistently playing well above or well below their handicap.

  • Steveqbi
    30 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 3:39 PM

    I made Legend level a couple of months ago. I've now completed more than 60 rounds. But my handicap still goes up.

    What gives?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 10:09 PM


    I made Legend level a couple of months ago. I've now completed more than 60 rounds. But my handicap still goes up.

    What gives?

    It's 500 hundred rounds before it saturates. Sorry.


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