Surprisingly enough it seems some just don't have a clue
'bout what them paranormables can really do to you
It' ain't just messin' with your game, new research indicates
They've turned a certain bunch of players into downright ingrates
Your game not up to par these days? Just blame ol' Dub-G-T
'cuz we all know it can't be us, that simply cannot be
as each and ev'ry shot we take just screams "perfection" no?
It's gotta be ol' Dub-G-T tells our balls where to go
I reads it in the forums here, so hence, it must be true
The Whinese got it figgered out, like Whinese always do
but, I see things quite diff'rently, it's aliens I say
an' not the Dub-G-T no sir, affectin' how I plays !
The ever vigilant Alien Ambassador Doc...out