if it's expensive don't buy em. would it be nice if they'd cut the cost of em all by 25% or something, sure. but you say it's getting expensive, does that mean you're not buying them? cuz if you're still buying them, you're part of the problem.
a lot of the suggestions ie 'let us find balls randomly on the course' are just plain stupid. you don't find balls on the fairway, the only time you'd find balls is if you hit it in a horrible spot anyway, the odds aren't great. and considering these aren't just normal country club courses i'm sure it's not as common anyway.
well looking at your bag (starter club and balls) you don't buy them anyway
and when someone states "let us find balls randomly on the course" i think they mean in the rough. saying that i once found 3 pro v1's boxed in the middle of a fairway must have fallen out of someones bag. so miricles do happen.
if your not willing to spend money on the game please dont criticise or tell people not to buy balls. if people didn't spend money we won't have the great courses that we do to play on. this game is a business and needs to make money. there are balls to suit all levels but like most things in life if you want to be the best you have to invest to get to the top.
and why would it be plain stupid sometimes its nice to get something back regardless how small that might seem. anyway it might be a good marketing ploy. you find a better ball than you normally play with next time out you play with it, like it and buy some.