If i land within 2 yards there's a chance for birdie, but putts any longer its totally hit & miss (more likely a miss). After withdrawing a few days ago with a -8, but seeing people get $5 back with similar score, it seems people are struggling more than i thought, so from then on I decided to post a score whatever I got, especially when I got $10 for a 61 (thought it was going to be $2.50) But the amount of Withdrawals I see on leader-board seems every one else is finding it tough too.
Kiawah used to be easiest course until I became legend, now I find it one of the toughest.
RUNWME:haha That is funny
Wow Don, where have you been hiding, not seen/heard from you here in ages. Was only thinking a few days ago that I've not seen a leaderboard with your name around the top in months.