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How to Help You play smart,

Thu, Apr 18 2013 2:55 AM (5 replies)
  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 6:27 AM
    Do you know what is needed to lower your Avarage?
    27 Nov 2011 at 8:11 PM

                                     Why Players Quit, to Save there Avg.? Who has lied to them? 

    Basic How & why

    Your Average Score will be based on multiple best scores within ONLY your current Tier, not scores that you shot when in previous Tiers, which better reflects your current skill competing with the tee boxes and green speeds in your current Tier. Your Average Score will be based on ONLY your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier. So be sure to finish all your rounds and gain the extra experience points, as a bad day won’t matter.

    1. What is my Average Score?  
    Your Average Score will be based ONLY on your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier.

    2. How to Help You play smart,  by Finding out  ...What Goal you need next...? Just knowing  your Personal Best Score for Each Game Type, (18-holes,Front-9, Back-9) and the Course Name you played at and compleated...  Does  Great Things for You Right at  the Start........1st of All  This will Per mote You to find an Objective that is competitive to you only..Regaurdless of who's playing with you..Your confidence of ware  your Next Personal Goal .Is Knowing what you need next ....

    Lets say,  your at St.Andrews for 18 holes,  and last week you played 18 holes and scored 66,.at your current tier, your Avg, drops by 0.40 to 0.60 tenths or more....and this time you  scored a 67, for 18 holes, but you notice that your Avg, hadn't budged at all like it did before,?                                 So, what happened?  Other then,  playing for 2 Hrs,   of your time.. Plus a fairly good % of Ball  durability loss,  from smacking  it 18, and some XP points?  So, In other words, had you of known in advance of what courses you played as well as your best scores, you may have played a differant game. after all we would all like to manage are game wth a sense of intelegence,

     Good Direction. Saves Time.  That is, It's usually a waste knowing your just there for the Game of it, knowing each time you hit your Ball, Credits are flying off of it until it is gone,  course repeat  playing of courses you have already conquered by a high/low Score.....but dont get it twisted, Its fine to play the way you play, but if you want to give your AVG a chance to go lower? knowing is half the battle. not to mention your cost of balls, and in knowing when to continue, or quit, will save you some cash in the long run.. After all your compeating against your self, so why make it any harder then it already is? 

    knowledge  It Improves your ability to be Conservative at  times you dont really need to be.....Right?  You should  know at a glance, what your Goal is for the course you are playing, Helps you decide weather or not, you  need to get more Life out of your Balls you paid for? Plus it Saves Credits by being efficient, or Just  by  knowing Your Best Score for each event.... gives you a Plan of attack each and every time you Play  most  information. by Knowing your score and righting it down  for quick access,  is imperative ! It Will Decrease your time & Save you money  through Good course, Management... most competitive game here at WGT is a Player that has your Number, and that's  You, Playing  against your Personal Best.... Good Luck...

      Nov Th 2011

             By  LarkinPat1

  • ccooper18
    57 Posts
    Sun, Feb 19 2012 10:57 PM

    You average will still float up and down.  Only your worst two rounds do not count.  

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Feb 20 2012 12:34 AM

    Floating will happen only under certain conditions, ccoop, and then it doesn't matter.

    And no, your statement on "worst two rounds" doesn't stand.

    Look a this from the WGT FAQs:

    What is my Average Score?

    Your Average Score will be based on multiple best scores within ONLY your current Tier [...]

    In any tier, the average is calculated from an (increasing) no. of your best ranked rounds in that tier. An increasing average is only possible if a player hasn't played that no. of rounds in that tier. Once a player has reached that number, bad rounds will no longer be considered, and rounds of lower score will push the bad ones out. Only when he tiers up, the counts will go back to zero and the floating will begin anew. Therefore, a floating average indicates that the fixed no. of neccessary rounds has not been achieved.

    An example:

    A player starts into a new tier with rounds of 80, 100, 87, 113. Let the averaging no. be 10. The averages will be floating between 80, 90, 89 and 95 (less than 10 rounds played).

    Imagine he will play only rounds of 70 and 75 (alternating) afterwards: 75, 70, 75, 70, 75, 70. Now he has 10 rounds with an average of 81.5.

    WIth the next round, the highest score will drop off, that is the 113. Therefore,even a round of 112 would lower the average, and a mediocre round of 81 would drop it dramatically to 78.3(!) Now, any further round above 100 would not be considered. From now on, the av. can only drop!

    Alas, the first round of 80 stands until there are 10 better rounds.

    Continuing with 75, 70... this will happen four rounds later, the average becoming 72.5 eventually.

    In further rounds of 75, 70... only the 70s will affect the average until it is at 70.

    Therefore, the time of floating average is not significant but an intermezzo, even though it may be long for a Legend (400 rounds in their average AFAIK).

  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2013 2:40 AM

    yeah yeah always easy to heckle find things wromg. I dont know its all i got than some one wants to correct me how, by telling me i not even close, well how did you ever study just read until ya never had to speak to see is ya go it correct? well not me i dunno how, but ill lsten, lol this gunna take awhile think im going to try and re hash every thing i saidd or voiced till i get it just perfect?

    perhaps than ?

  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2013 2:47 AM

    yes I'm with ya ,  tough getting help with any call here, speak to softly never get herd to loud for a radio check and its not that Gr as well


  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2013 2:55 AM

    thats great stuff there, too i was hoping some one would set me straight, although, i hadn't relay was Turing to get the math angle , more like the BASIC what one might do instead, the real math stats idea of using a calculate each round to see ware I'm at lol mind if i post your knowledge on my profile and pass it on to others so i might be able to share your knowledge with others, Oh, BTW sorry i hadn't got back to ya after all this tie