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Pro Shop Gift Notification Cards.

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Sun, Feb 7 2010 12:24 AM (3 replies)
  • JoanC
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 5 2010 10:49 PM

    It would be really nice if the Pro Shop would send you a note when someone buys you a gift of a sleeve of balls or clubs or something like that.  Most upper end stores include a gift card so you know whom to thank.  One of my friends thought I snubbed them because I didn't notice that they had sent me a sleeve of balls, and feeling got hurt.

    I thought there used to be a  note in the activity section of my profile, but now I don't find it. 

    Basic marketing, if people see that others are buying products from your pro shop, they will feel like spending money too. 

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Fri, Feb 5 2010 11:46 PM

    I'll have to agree it sure would be nice to know. 

    Someone sent me some as well and I didnt know until I checked my credit activity.

    I haven't checked my email to see if maybe they send you a message there, if not they really should

    EDIT - Just checked and yes they do send you a message to your email.

    I guess I message here too in your inbox would be nice

  • WGTalex
    2,087 Posts
    Sun, Feb 7 2010 12:03 AM

    Hi Joan, you should receive an email when someone sends you a gift, that indicates whom it was from. If you sent someone a gift and they didn't receive the message, it's possible that the email address was wrong or it went into their spam folder.

  • brandi35
    295 Posts
    Sun, Feb 7 2010 12:24 AM

    Check your email people!!!  doh