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A few suggestions for WGT.

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Sat, Feb 6 2010 6:50 AM (1 replies)
  • Tiggulok
    8 Posts
    Sat, Feb 6 2010 12:27 AM
    I have been here for a month and would like to throw a few ideas around. Larger golf ball when in flight. I have tried many different colored balls and nothing helps. I simply can not see the ball most of the time. A little bit of eye candy would go a long way. Making the ball easier to see ( in flight ) will create more drama and excitement. Not to mention removing my eye strain. Speaking of eye strain. I have noticed how dark some of the greens are. Like a thunderstorm overhead. It is hard to see the hole without sticking my eyes on the screen. Maybe I could fix this brightness problem with my computer settings. Why do we have to play with default balls when our 3 pack runs out? Could the program be tweaked to take the same balls out of our inventory instead of always defaulting to the starter balls. My account was disabled today and it took all of 10 minutes for WGT to resolve the issue. WGT rocks! Tigg
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Feb 6 2010 6:50 AM

    Could the program be tweaked to take the same balls out of our inventory instead of always defaulting to the starter balls

    It already does this, tigger. You just have to make sure you have enough of the same ball in your bag. You can buy balls during a round but they won't be used unless they're exactly the same as the ones you're using, color included.

    Play around with the contrast/brightness controls on your monitor. I use a laptop so it's just a matter of tilting the screen for me but you should be able to enhance your view this way. It may also solve the vision problem. GL