Thanks guys! And that's right, you won't have to deal with me on those tournament leaderboards anymore! Woo hoo! =D
But seriously though, I do want to thank WGT for the opportunity they have given me. Obviously Alex and them need a little bit of help around here and I'm gonna try to do my best to make sure they get the help they deserve (especially late night and on the weekends). I'm still in the learning stages right now and will be for a short time, so expect me to break a few things while I figure it out. Yay growing pains! Once I get acclimated to my new surroundings you'll be seeing a lot more activity from me.
I wanted to do this because this forum is one of the best (if not THE best) on the internet and you guys all deserve a place to go where you can hang out, chat and just relax without the stress of life. There is a higher level of courtesy and respect on this forum that
generally goes unmatched anywhere else and my goal is to continue to make sure you have that all of the time. Luckily for me there isn't much work to do to keep up on that and the community should really give themselves a pat on the back in that regard.
I'll also be out and about on the courses to chat with and help out new players as well as answer any questions that I can in regards to game play and things along that line.
Thank you again for all of your comments, they are very much appreciated. Now let's all pray that I don't break everything in the meantime. ;-)