"Too many"...??? The more the better.... Now they have 3 tournament in your tier instead of two.... How is that not better...???
It's better in the sense that there's more variety of courses and entry fees, but I believe tiffer's point is mainly based on the turnover/waiting time for certain RGs to actually fill up.
Too many, and you'll discourage people from entering early (because they don't want lots of credits tied up for a prolonged period of time) and it could create a reduction in a high turnover of regular entrants, potentially.
There's clearly a fine balance between a healthy amount and too many... In my opinion, we're probably just about at maximum (i.e - the ideal amount) right now. WGT is obviously testing things out, trying to find the perfect amount, it makes sense ($) for them too.
More premium single play weekly/monthly tournaments, on the other hand, would be welcomed... there's only 1 weekly multi-round premium, 1 monthly multi and 1 tier monthly.