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Match Play Suggestion

rated by 0 users
Wed, Feb 17 2010 10:55 AM (7 replies)
  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 1:34 PM

    I cant speak for others, but since becoming master and having an average low to mid 60's it is difficult to find matches.  Perhaps this could be an option:

    Instead of just being declined or declining someone, you can have a stroke option.  So if a 67 average pro sees me and my 63.8 average master, they think of proposing a match and asking for 2 shots on 9, where they would get 1 stroke on the 2 hardest holes in the 9 instead of just declining me.  I would see the proposal much like credits (or with the credits), "player proposes 111 credit MP Challenge receiving 2 strokes", or if I am sending invite "player proposes 111 credit MP Challenge giving 2 strokes"



  • kmanfromga
    20 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 2:32 PM
    I have said for a long time that it would be better to have a handicap system not only for match play but all play on here. Hitting from differant tees is not reality golf which WGT professes to wants to provide.
  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 2:42 PM


    I cant speak for others, but since becoming master and having an average low to mid 60's it is difficult to find matches.  Perhaps this could be an option:

    Instead of just being declined or declining someone, you can have a stroke option.  So if a 67 average pro sees me and my 63.8 average master, they think of proposing a match and asking for 2 shots on 9, where they would get 1 stroke on the 2 hardest holes in the 9 instead of just declining me.  I would see the proposal much like credits (or with the credits), "player proposes 111 credit MP Challenge receiving 2 strokes", or if I am sending invite "player proposes 111 credit MP Challenge giving 2 strokes"




    Nice idea !

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 4:54 PM

    It is a good idea, only problem is you need to watch for sandbagging before accepting a match.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Tue, Feb 16 2010 5:35 PM

    agreed, but most of my friends I won or lost money to, or just played match play against for no money, either way if I am playing a friend now for whatever, and they are 5 shots off my average, it would be nice to give them some strokes.

    As WGT also suggests, it is wiser to play with known gamers than people u dont know, so I can play my buds with this suggested format on an even playing ground.

  • hbthree
    478 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 10:25 AM
    Hey, I have a friend that I play regularly with. I give him 2 strokes in a nine hole match. We have determined which 2 holes he gets a stroke on for each of the four currently available nine holes. When we reach a hole where I give a stroke, I simply hit my second shot a foot or so (an inch, if on the green) thus I am essentially hitting my third shot following the tee shot. HB3
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 10:42 AM

    Hey, I have a friend that I play regularly with. I give him 2 strokes in a nine hole match. We have determined which 2 holes he gets a stroke on for each of the four currently available nine holes. When we reach a hole where I give a stroke, I simply hit my second shot a foot or so (an inch, if on the green) thus I am essentially hitting my third shot following the tee shot. HB3

    Brilliant and elegant solution, HB... also, it tends to make you play with people you know and not the random (see: sandbagging) challenges.  Offering this kind of 'honorable promise' handicap would only work between friends.

    Well done, and thanks for letting us know!

  • hbthree
    478 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 10:55 AM
    Snaike...Long time since we've had exchange...thanks for the kind words...and yes would not even attempt it with other than don't know anything about their game(averages mean little) or their trustworthiness to follow through once in the match. HB3