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my opinions...take them or leave them

rated by 0 users
Fri, Feb 19 2010 7:26 AM (24 replies)
  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 3:57 PM



    .. the current meter is way too damn easy.  ....

    LMAO!!  So says the guy who during our round last night said at various times..."pushed it", "pulled it", "*&%^$", "hit it late", "missed it".........and I was the one who suggested you plan on hitting your R9 Pro driver late!!  I will be saving transcripts from now on LOL.

    The game don't need no stinkin' 3 click meter to make it more challenging.  I have plenty of challenge hitting one click!!

    Ooops, looks like you caught me mis-speaking a little here.

    What I meant to say was judging the distance and taking a backswing is TOO easy since you can pull back the meter, drink some coffee, check your email and then finally let the meter go towards the ding on your downstroke after you adjusted it a few times.   

    Hitting the ding, yeah they aint so easy!  LOL  



    I would really like to see what kind of reputaion you have I have a feeling It wouldn't be very high 50-55 % the only thing easy about this game is driving after that it takes some knowlage, skill, concentraion. and alittle luck   if it that easy then you should be a master with 70 rounds played btw masters with fewer than a 100 rounds qiut 60% of the time and to me thats just tring to LOOK like a skilled player I know I would be one if I only recored my -5 or better but I dont quit


    Dude, you know what they say about assumptions right?   AS.S U ME  Dont do it. 

    I haven't even played that many multiplayer rounds and the ones I have I have NEVER quit.  Not my style.  

  • pgaloom
    11 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 6:46 PM
    In addition...the pitch/chip/flop options should be referenced to a ball landing on the putting surface. From the fairway, 20 yards away, using a club that says 22 yds...when hitting that club approximately 80%, the shot shoud NEVER go 21 yards unless it is 5 or more feet downhill. You should never program something that assumes the shot is being played onto a fairway. Who would ever chip onto the fairway unless they are behind a tree...which BTW I have noticed is actually 90% air in this game. I am trying to help, and seems most want to shoot me down when in fact I have more experience with the game of golf than 90% if not more than all the other users.
  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 7:15 PM

    In addition...the pitch/chip/flop options should be referenced to a ball landing on the putting surface. From the fairway, 20 yards away, using a club that says 22 yds...when hitting that club approximately 80%, the shot shoud NEVER go 21 yards unless it is 5 or more feet downhill. You should never program something that assumes the shot is being played onto a fairway. Who would ever chip onto the fairway unless they are behind a tree...which BTW I have noticed is actually 90% air in this game. I am trying to help, and seems most want to shoot me down when in fact I have more experience with the game of golf than 90% if not more than all the other users.

    Dude, you might want to relax a bit.  No one in this thread shot you down even a little bit, most of us did agree that new clubs would solve most of your problems, if you dont want to take the advice (from people that have been here more than 2 weeks unlike yourself), then dont, but you might actually want to read what the people who were actually responding to you wrote (and some lengthy responses too) before flinging sh*t around in the forums.

    Talk about a lack of appreciation, then he goes on to say how hes more experienced at golf than everyone on the site!  LOL  Nice one, that'll get you far pal.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 7:36 PM

    LOL Jay, he was referring to real golf.  He's a PGA pro, meaning he's certified to teach.  From what I've seen in a ghetto google glimpse, he has also competed in long drive contests, been to Q-school, and probably played in many lesser known tournys.

    Brad does seem to be a touch on the diva side though.  However I'm guessing he's a good dude in person and just trying to help, so I'll refrain from any further comment. ;)


  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 7:55 PM


    I lean a bit towards this perspective also. Can not say for sure, but it seems that WGT has built a lot of the randomness of this game into the swing meter, and I THINK we are on the same path where we think it should be programmed elsewhere, to keep it more realistic.

    When I hit the elusive 'dinged' shot, I expect the ball to come off the club head where I aimed it, and not randomly left or right off the club face. Now a bad hit on the swing meter, absolutely it should affect the ball launch, which it does, but I believe WGT has error-ed somewhat in its usefulness and degree of affect.

    There are far too many other ways to make this game more challenging than using random shot deviation (if in fact vemmie is not just a myth) and programmed swing meter fluctuation (if in fact they exist). A ding should mean a perfect hit, and the ball should at least START right where it was aimed. A small miss should affect it a small way, and show a larger affect as you miss the ding by a larger amount. I understand that it does this now, but that is ALL it should do, and I am simply not convinced that the swing meter isn't programmed to cause missed hits.

    One GREAT example of using other option to help keep randomness in the game, is to implement shot shaping (hook/slice. etc). Just like using backswing, it is a non-perfect way to change the shots, ensuring that each and every shot is not the same and is hard to duplicate.

    Another would be getting RID of the avatar movements that are being used to judge distance with. That is supposed to be a touch sensitive part of the game, not a programmed reaction. Using this as a gauge or measurement is similar to being able to enter a yardage that you want the ball to travel and letting it go, this seems to remove the user input/variation of distance, which is what a real put is all about. Again, the meter should affect take off path only, as compared to how far the 'ding' is missed.

    //end rant

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 8:31 PM

    Yeah I caught that Oak but it dont really matter squat here and there was no need to boast about it since no one shot him or his ideas down.  

    As realistic as the game is, there are little tricks to learn all over place in THIS game and he's been here all of 2 weeks so far. 

    I actually agreed with a lot of what he said initially but I'm not sure he actually read what some people wrote. 

    2 of his original "issues" have to do with using K-mart clubs and balls which everyone that has been around here for awhile knows, dont work all that good, exactly what people posted but I guess he aint listening.  oh well 

    Note I also mentioned they should ditch the stupid VEM technology, then we wouldnt have so many of these complaints in the first place

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 8:38 PM

    I am trying to help, and seems most want to shoot me down when in fact I have more experience with the game of golf than 90% if not more than all the other users.


    Most of the better, or even the average players here, don't require your "help". Help yourself first. When your name becomes an every week attraction of notice, perhaps your "help" will have a value. As of now, it does not.

  • pgaloom
    11 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 9:03 PM

    Sweetie, please read the Main folder...This section is meant to help the programmers make this the most realistic golf game.  I don't care who the good players are, I am not here to "help" them.  I am giving constructive criticism to the programmers.  Maybe these posts should go to them directly so they can deal with them on a case-by-case basis.


    You all can call me diva-ish or thick, stubborn, or whatever, I don't care.  I want to see this game get better.  True, I have only been here for maybe a couple of weeks, but I want to have this game become great enough that people will keep supporting it so it continues to grow, not frustrate the heck out of those who do not get the results they deserve for making the proper calculations (clicks).


    My past is my past...behind me.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 9:11 PM


    I want to have this game become great enough that people will keep supporting it so it continues to grow, not frustrate the heck out of those who do not get the results they deserve for making the proper calculations (clicks).


    My past is my past...behind me.


    Then send your resume WGT. I understand they are hiring. I also understand your frustration and extend my honest best wishes for the improvement of your game, just as I do for everone else.

    337 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2010 9:22 PM


     01101100 01101111 01101111

    computer geeks enjoy, the rest of you will be left wondering, lol












