1. Toss the starter hybrid out of your bag, it is useless if you have the G20's.
2. Buy these 3 wedges: L38 Taylormade Z Satin 54 deg (98 yds); L42 Ping Tour W 60 deg (75 yds); L39 Taylormade Z Satin 64 deg (50 yds). These wedges are the best value for the money. Learn them well and they are good enough for any level -- the 50yd and 75yd ones are still used by BolloxinBruges, maybe the best player in the game.
3. When you get to L76, buy the CG 56 deg (100 yds). It is fantastic, but the Taylormade 54 deg will do just fine until then.
P.S. Learn to use the punch shot, it's great for in-between wedge shots. After some practice you'll get used to them and they will be a great tool.