Faterson: Maybe it's like GoldmanSachs where they have 30,000 employees, and 12,000 of them are vice-presidents? I haven't played since 2010 due to being inordinately busy, but still got the invite, which is appreciated. I plan to get back one fine day; I hear two new full-fledged courses were added in 2011, and another one is coming up in April!
WOW! A blast from the past. It is just GREAT to read one of your post again faterson. Please at the least, stop in and comment on the goings on here in the WGT virtual world. Seriously nice to see your healthy and doing well faterson. edge.
btw; to comment on what you have heard - Yes. We now have the Best of Famous and the Best of Hardest courses. I'm thinking a new CTTH in April and then open to a full stroke play in ????.