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Thu, May 10 2012 11:03 AM (99 replies)
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 1:26 AM

    Who got this?





    Escalated Customer Support?

    HOW? WGTIcon is on her own here as it is. Pfft, emails are respnded to at best within 2 weeks

    edit: Much faster these days.

    Escalated? "You cant handle the truth"

    Private Tournaments with Special Prizes?

    What like 1 lousy ball for St Patrick's day?
    I think our own developed Country Clubs have FAR BETTER value on offer.
    The Members WITHIN provide FAR better Value to membership than WGT have ever offered or recognised.  Pfft
    "But i'm not bad I'm just DRAWN this way" 

    Exclusive Offers & Gifts?

    Surely not through that lame ass TRIAL PAY?
    Why would that be an incentive when it DOESNT FLICKING WORK NOW?

    ... With more exclusive services coming later this year?

    Are you NUTS, Country Clubs in WGT have been BEGGING for further options for 3 Years.
    You think 'later this year' is ANY indication of a promise or even a general incentive?

    So when it gets to 2015 and NOTHING has happened, and we post in the forums our discontent..   anything DIFFERENT will change?
    "We may be dumb but not dumber than you"


    Last update:

    1 ball for St Patricks day...  A very generous offer - you couldnt triple the amount of pixels? Any reason why WGT members cannot buy a SINGLE ball?

    Would it have hurt WGT that much to provide 3 green St PATS CALLAWAY balls?

    I can see Hacks n Amateurs and Pros loving these balls and maybe buying more. What? You cant?

    A new Course, thanks - other requests from members are FAR more pertinent than a course that will eat your balls in the first 4 holes.

    Blitz games for credits - cool another WGT money maker - Blitz games are like a lottery as it is with recovery Bonus and cr4p. 
    Why not add WGT slot Machines to your Repertoire?

    What are we Stoopid?



    Thanks for that

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 1:51 AM

    I have received one in my E-MAIL as well. What the hell is it and how did they get my email address!!!!! It doesn't even carry the official WGT Logo so it can't be kosher.


  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:01 AM

    Too many spelling mistakes and still nothing for country clubs .. sigh

    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:23 AM

    I just signed up for the hell of it and received a sleeve of L48 Nike balls better than nothing.


    P.S.I Just read the first post on this thread after writing my original post and it made interesting reading from someone who knows WGT far better than me I didn't even know it was a CC.


  • tezzastheman
    1,266 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:24 AM

    Every couple of months or so, i say to myself...self, im done with this wgt, they wont offer us any country club features, and im not spending a cent more on this site. However, ultimately i cling to a hope that someone with half a brain, and heart, will start work at the wgt office, and maybe we will get some of the upgrades we im not spending a cent here till its done

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:32 AM

    I just signed up for the hell of it and received a sleeve of L48 Nike balls better than nothing.



    So your now a member of WGT Nation AND yuor own Country CLub?

    If i could join and get the free balls and leave , all good.

    But, how does that reflect on WGT policy of one CC at a time...

    Whats good for the goose...


    1,533 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:40 AM

    I hear ya shrude it didn't say anything about my CC which I will stay loyal to but is there two threads on this or something I just see other post on this subject very confused ATM I'm sure it will become clearer as the day progresses.



    I just signed up for the hell of it and received a sleeve of L48 Nike balls better than nothing.



    So your now a member of WGT Nation AND yuor own Country CLub?

    If i could join and get the free balls and leave , all good.

    But, how does that reflect on WGT policy of one CC at a time...

    Whats good for the goose...




    I just signed up for the hell of it and received a sleeve of L48 Nike balls better than nothing.



    So your now a member of WGT Nation AND yuor own Country CLub?

    If i could join and get the free balls and leave , all good.

    But, how does that reflect on WGT policy of one CC at a time...

    Whats good for the goose...



  • aussiegad
    1,608 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:55 AM

    I won't be joining!

    I know how much time, effort & money our CC members put into our CC & the rewards (not just prizes (donated by members)) far outweigh anything on offer here. 

    I know WGT  is a business & everything they do is in the pursuit of even more $$$.... but

    If they could just open their eyes & understand how much the CC's bring in for them they would see the potential in developing these clubs.

    As they say, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 2:57 AM


    But, how does that reflect on WGT policy of one CC at a time...

    Simply because this WGT Nation is not a CC. It's more like signing up for receiving newsletters and the like. I mean, as I understand it, once you join this, you will receive from time to time by email invitations for special tournaments and special offers etc, that's all. So you are just entitled for some additional benefits if you like to join.



    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Mar 15 2012 3:17 AM

    Simply because this WGT Nation is not a CC.


    Oh.. ok then.