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Mon, Jul 23 2012 1:02 PM (59 replies)
  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 12:25 PM

    It seems to me that the OP's main beef is that the game isn't identical to real golf, and that the scores posted on here are unrealistically low when compared to real-life touring pros, such as Mr. Woods

    Now, last time I checked......this is still an online video game and not "real-life", right?  I guess it's like complaining that the cars in Grand Prix Legends handle differently than real cars.  I kinda figured that would be a given?  Y'know....'cause they aren't real cars!

    But then again, some folks just ain't happy unless they're whinin' about something. (Which is sort of an odd concept....being b!tchy makes you happy?  Gee, sounds like a fun life....)

    BmaEngnr92?  Well put!  You certainly seem to understand the concept of "cream rising to the top". 

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 12:51 PM

    I think what needs to be remembered is that, although the most realistic golf game, not totally realistic. No hitting out of divots, no affect from uphill, downhill, sidehill lies, no weather variations, perfect sand every time, no grain on the greens, etc. The only true similarities are the course design, and the goal of getting the ball in the hole. That makes it more a golf game than a game of golf. If you happen to be a good golfer who is very good at games, you will do very well. Me, I don't golf, but know the game pretty well. I don't spend countless hours like the Super Legends and my scores reflect that. Still a heck of a lot of fun though.


    And I'll add. What if Rory or Tiger or Phil etc.. hit from the white tees on a course they've played hundreds of times? I would be willing to bet they would be shooting mid 50s  easily. And that's playing REAL golf.

    This is a freaking computer game. I can recline back in my chair with my feet up, drinking a beer, bs'ing on skype, while watching TV but still manage to carry my bag to my tee shot, find the nearest yardage marker, walk it off to my ball, pull the needed club, clean it, deal with the divot I landed in, worry about the chunk of mud on the side of my ball, allow for the pull I'm going to get with this uphill lie and then hope the elevated green is still holding some moisture since the wind has picked up and dried things out after the morning rain. Then wait 5 minutes for the group in front of me to putt every 11 inch putt because they're playing 25¢ a hole and damnit NO ONE gets ANY gimmes. All the while noticing the group behind me is ready to tee off. At that point you're so irritated and feeling rushed you chunk it 60 yrds up the fairway while the group behind wonders why the hell you were waiting for the group in front to putt out.

    Easy game when you can delete everything above after the line "while watching TV".


  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 12:52 PM


    Hello This is Geahry1 Don't you think the score under 59 is tooooooo low i dont play tourneys that much cause people are shooting 52 and that is out of hand I love this game and it is so much realistic but in real life the PGA Players when they get a 59 its like a great achievement and there are only so many players that reach that score in their career I know this is just a game but please consider doing something about these outragious scores.Is there anything that can be done and these guys with 56 averages is a joke no one has a avg that low in golf I dunno if someone thinks im a little right let me know but I think something needs to change or the guy who shoots a 52 is going to win every tourney as long as this game exists

    If you think about it this game is difficult and demanding for about 95% of the players on this're proof of that. You need to give credit were credit is due, these top players have a natural gift for gaming and have learnt every aspect of the game needed to stay at the top. So if you want to improve you need to stop just banging out round after round and start to educate yourself on the little things like..distance control, when to use spin and when not to use it or how much spin to use, where not to land, where to land, take notes on every green, fairway and bunker, learn each club you use and then there's the wind etc. Most people don't win anything on this site, but it doesn't stop them enjoying  tournaments they have no chance of winning. If you can't beat them join them and if you can't join them at least recognize their dedication to the game. Having said that its quite possible most people just play this game for fun and like me its just one of their many hobbies..... go with what you've got and enjoy it for what it is. 


  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 12:57 PM

    i 100% agree with you bmaEngnr92 that is what the case would be. and when i see the scores like 52-56 i think wow bt i will keep on trying to compete with the best, ive been a member a little less than a year and have learned quite alot but there are players on here out of reach at the moment for me, like i see players scoring 26 on whistle already wow!!!! but fair play to them and well done i only wish i can do the same 1 day.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 2:10 PM

    The very low 50's are shot from Shorter tees by Very Good Players. These same players usually shoot scores in the 50's often from their own Legend Tees.

    Think of it this way.....  

    The real golf Pro's shoot anywhere from 60 above, breaking the 60 for them is rare, though a few golfers have broken that magic figure.

    Because this is computer game( I think the best ) take 10 shots off that. The Real Good players will shoot scores anywhere from 50 (haven't seen a 50 yet, but getting closer)   and above, breaking the 50 will their magic figure.

    So don't get too discouraged by the low scores, with heaps of games and understanding at how the game works, then you will one day achieve this too.



    266 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 3:01 PM

    I agree i have played around 2600 ranked rounds best 18 holes 63 and best 9 hole score just one time 29 don't understand the low scores even pros pga tour don't score that low


  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 4:27 PM

    Why don't people start accepting their own limitations!!!!

    I have been playing this game since June/July last year and have played every day since that time. I have updated my clubs at every opportunity until I now have the best that credits can buy. I have advanced steadily, with a lot of work and frustration, and have reached Tour Master. 

    I will NEVER be able the shoot those low scores purely and simply because of my own limitations of which I am very aware.

    That does not stop me from playing the game and enjoying every minute of the frustrations, elations and downright incredulity of some of my own shots.

    I know, (and this is what all the whiners on this game have got to learn,) I have reached the pinnacle of my game. But that does not stop me from playing and enjoying what is a beautiful game and pastime.

    If you do not like the low scores that are being posted on some (if not all) Tournaments then don,t play them.

    Go and play some practice games and just try and keep beating your OWN best scores. That way you will start getting good enough to maybe one day compete with the best.

    My two cents


  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 4:56 PM

    Just about spot on Mel, add to that the mates you have made along the way and its perfect. Ill never make "pro legend", yes i can bang ST a front nine till im blue in the face if i wanted and become a 58/9 legend , does that make me a top player ? NO....

    i prefer an alt shot with my mates , never met them but i have FUN.

    OP , dont worry what other are shooting it REALLY doesnt matter . Does it ? if it does you really should seek some advise !