Why don't people start accepting their own limitations!!!!
I have been playing this game since June/July last year and have played every day since that time. I have updated my clubs at every opportunity until I now have the best that credits can buy. I have advanced steadily, with a lot of work and frustration, and have reached Tour Master.
I will NEVER be able the shoot those low scores purely and simply because of my own limitations of which I am very aware.
That does not stop me from playing the game and enjoying every minute of the frustrations, elations and downright incredulity of some of my own shots.
I know, (and this is what all the whiners on this game have got to learn,) I have reached the pinnacle of my game. But that does not stop me from playing and enjoying what is a beautiful game and pastime.
If you do not like the low scores that are being posted on some (if not all) Tournaments then don,t play them.
Go and play some practice games and just try and keep beating your OWN best scores. That way you will start getting good enough to maybe one day compete with the best.
My two cents