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Mon, Jul 23 2012 1:02 PM (59 replies)
  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 8:53 PM

    yes i have to agree with renniw52 here, i find the meter has everything to do with it too. When my meter is smooth i can shoot some really low scores. In my opinion, i would say some players have best computer equipment and know how to get meter flawless. Then i think is all about timing and math from there. I know for sure alot of players are not cheating there just that good! Ty my opinion.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 9:27 PM

    Ahhh, sorry for ignorance but who is ... Webb Simpson and Simon Dyson ... Jake

  • TrikiRik
    103 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 9:34 PM

    There are players on here that are fantastic on this game. They don't have to cheat, they don't have secret programs to shoot the low low scores. They have played until their fingers bleed and have become the elite.

    Perhaps the top players have spent much more time learning the intricacies of the game than they have browsing and posting on the forums.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 9:49 PM


    There are players on here that are fantastic on this game. They don't have to cheat, they don't have secret programs to shoot the low low scores. They have played until their fingers bleed and have become the elite.

    Perhaps the top players have spent much more time learning the intricacies of the game than they have browsing and posting on the forums.

    The Top Players don't make many comments in the Forum beacause they are sick and tierd of getting a hammering from people when they do give some good advice :)


  • callawayjay
    46 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 10:55 PM

    I would be remiss if I didn't and a couple of cents here.  There was a similar topic about how Avatar Lee (anyone remember him?) was playing these amazing sub 60 round on BPB.  And then he won the trip to the real open in Scotland. 

    At the time people were comparing this game to Tiger Woods Online (TWO) saying how much more realistic this game (WGT) was because there were no sub 55 rounds posted. 

    It's a joke that WGT has tried to bill itself as the most realistic golf game out there when BIB and Gen and ad infinitum score these ridiculous low rounds.  I remember at the time, that THE MAJOR posters on here, and you know who you are (anyone who has that many posts will recognize there ignorance and stupidity) said that a sub 55 round round would be IMPOSSIBLE.

    I'm holding my breath for the first 49.  Because then, I suppose that the "most realistic golf game" would have to admit that it is not really realistic. 

    That someone scores is not the issue here.  It's that WGT was tampering with the game while people were spending hard earned cash to improve.  WGT Icon's admission that they were "testing" the last few days with spin in beyond reproachable.   There should be an immediate refund for anyone who lost a ball or balls because of their tampering.  Should such a big company not test their game on a ghost server which would not impact their regular day to day???

    Bad WGT...BAD!!!!!


  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 11:27 PM

      There was a similar topic about how Avatar Lee (anyone remember him?)

    Believe he's still here banging away!


  • callawayjay
    46 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 11:33 PM

      There was a similar topic about how Avatar Lee (anyone remember him?)

    Believe he's still here banging away!

    Yes of course.  I was paying homage in my comment for many others have been garnering the limelight.




  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Mar 17 2012 12:56 AM


    I would be remiss if I didn't and a couple of cents here.  There was a similar topic about how Avatar Lee (anyone remember him?) was playing these amazing sub 60 round on BPB.  And then he won the trip to the real open in Scotland. 

    At the time people were comparing this game to Tiger Woods Online (TWO) saying how much more realistic this game (WGT) was because there were no sub 55 rounds posted. 

    It's a joke that WGT has tried to bill itself as the most realistic golf game out there when BIB and Gen and ad infinitum score these ridiculous low rounds.  I remember at the time, that THE MAJOR posters on here, and you know who you are (anyone who has that many posts will recognize there ignorance and stupidity) said that a sub 55 round round would be IMPOSSIBLE.

    I'm holding my breath for the first 49.  Because then, I suppose that the "most realistic golf game" would have to admit that it is not really realistic. 

    That someone scores is not the issue here.  It's that WGT was tampering with the game while people were spending hard earned cash to improve.  WGT Icon's admission that they were "testing" the last few days with spin in beyond reproachable.   There should be an immediate refund for anyone who lost a ball or balls because of their tampering.  Should such a big company not test their game on a ghost server which would not impact their regular day to day???

    Bad WGT...BAD!!!!!


    If you remember how low the scores were back then, then you should understand at how the low scores are been shot now. Better clubs now, might be the reason.

    When I first started a couple years ago, the Raptures were the best clubs we could get... Actually, I should say one of the best sets you could get, nothing like the great clubs you can get now :)



  • TrufflIE
    524 Posts
    Sat, Mar 17 2012 1:27 AM


    I agree i have played around 2600 ranked rounds best 18 holes 63 and best 9 hole score just one time 29 don't understand the low scores even pros pga tour don't score that low



    I have less than 200 rounds here... HOWEVER, while I know I may never reach the level some of these guys are playing at... I'm working my @$$ off at it...

    I've shot a few 29s... when I was a Master, I'd put up 2 or 3 31s a day...


    Maybe start paying attention to what the hell you are doing, rather than cry about what others are doing?

    I can guarantee results that way! :D



    PS: I am a 2 handicap irl... and this game is not close to being "Realistic"

    It sure looks pretty though! ;)


    PPS: I do believe the PGA pros shoot 29s pretty often... They just don't keep the momentum going through the whole round...

    29 - 34 = 63 Not an uncommon score, and not impossible or improbable...



    Just my 2 cents... well... more like a dime of my time ;)

    (like how I made that rhyme?)

  • swdeva
    238 Posts
    Sat, Mar 17 2012 2:03 AM

    Yes, these are very low score's but am giving those people the " befit of the doubt" that they play more than just a few times a day, they play a lot in one day!. So if u play that many times a day and u play everyday u learn the game quite well I would think. Myself I just don't have that much time in a day to play; I wish I did. So with that been said, hats off to those who have the the time to make low score's. But it does put the average person at a disadvantage in tournaments I have to say.

    That's my 3