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Mon, Jul 23 2012 1:02 PM (59 replies)
  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Mar 17 2012 3:08 AM

    Dang, that's like about the 4th post today about how bad this game is on here. Are they hurting that bad over at TWO they have to start posting on here again. They have already been caught doing it before. Go tell your boss what a good little employee you are guys and he will reward you.

    The game is about practices and yes there are a few tricks. You wanna know one?  Take a look at a top players Sand and Scrambling Percentages... Then go look at his one putt vs 2 putt percentage. Bottom line is the top players do not birdie every hole but they don't bogey them either.....

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Mar 17 2012 7:55 AM


    Dang, that's like about the 4th post today about how bad this game is on here. Are they hurting that bad over at TWO they have to start posting on here again. They have already been caught doing it before. Go tell your boss what a good little employee you are guys and he will reward you.

    The game is about practices and yes there are a few tricks. You wanna know one?  Take a look at a top players Sand and Scrambling Percentages... Then go look at his one putt vs 2 putt percentage. Bottom line is the top players do not birdie every hole but they don't bogey them either.....

    Absolutely true. Saving pars after mistakes is most important and should pe practiced the most. I use practice rounds to hit to greens then crank up the meter and putt into bunkers rather than at the hole. I also putt off into the rough. Then I get the chance to work on sand saves and scrambling at my leasure instead of during a Tourney round.. It is practice after all and we get 10 strokes per hole to work on our game.. We can use the game any way we want to get better. Practice round scores don't count anyway.

    I've holed out from off the green several times as a result of these pratice round games I play.

  • caperick
    2 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2012 2:36 PM


    If Tiger hit ding every shot, maybe he too would score 55!   Tiger only dings porn stars!


  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2012 10:06 PM

    I think some of you take it too literally when WGT says "Most realistic golf game on the web".  From a graphics is easily the most realistic golf game available. From a game play perspective I don't know of any game that is MORE realistic. Certainly not TWO. But you have to remember, it's still a video game.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2012 11:48 PM

    I think some of you take it too literally when WGT says "Most realistic golf game on the web".

    I don't think they take it too literally.  They just forget the game on the web part.


    "The game is about practices and yes there are a few tricks. You wanna know one?  Take a look at a top players Sand and Scrambling Percentages... Then go look at his one putt vs 2 putt percentage. Bottom line is the top players do not birdie every hole but they don't bogey them either....."  SGTBilko

    This can't be overstated.  When a top Legend hits a wedge, from anywhere close to the green, he is trying to make the shot.  Now, I know everyone is "trying to make' all of their shots, but realistically when most people hit a chip, pitch, or even a straight wedge from 40y, they are trying to leave themselves a nice, easy putt.  Top Legends are trying, and expect to make the shot.  If I'm outside a yard, I'm angry with myself, and I don't consider myself a top Legend.  Same with longish putts.  30-40'?  I intend to make those, not lag myself a nice easy followup.  When a top Legend hits his drive into rough (40/50), he's trying to figure out what shot gives him the best chance to still birdie the hole, not how to save par.

    I used to question the scores too, when I first started, but then something funny happened.  The more I practiced, the lower my scores got.  As I advanced, I upgraded my equipment, because I wanted to do the best I possibly could, not just the best I could for free, and my scores got lower still.  And the more I practiced, and the better clubs I got, and the farther I advanced, the better I got.  Now, I don't have the best clubs, but I can drop a 27 or a 56 or 57, and I'm certain eventually I'll be able to shoot a 52 or 54 or somewhere down there.  A matter of time and practice.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Wed, Mar 21 2012 12:10 AM

    JaLaBar is so right ... to put it another way there is an old story ---

    In NY City --- A guy in a car pulls over to the side of the road and asks a man,  "How do you get to Carnegie Hall".

    The man  answers ..... Practice ... Practice ... Practice ...

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Thu, Mar 22 2012 9:30 AM

    Here's something telling about progress:  I used to prefer chips to putts.  Meaning, if it looked like I was going to be looking at a 30' putt, I'd just as soon it roll 10' more to the fringe so I could chip it.  Nowadays, other than a couple of obscene greens, I'm hoping I make it on the green because I figured out how to putt.  And in most cases, once you do that, a putt is better than a chip.

    Which is better?  A 10y eagle chip or a 30' eagle putt?  There are, of course, exceptions, but when I was less sure I would have preferred the chip.  These days, I'll take the putt every time.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Mar 22 2012 10:30 PM

    This is the thing guys, these players spend hours at a time playing courses. And its not like they have plenty courses to play. These guys are good period the end of story. There is no cheating at all, all skill. Best thing to do is start practicing, but in the end there will all ways be someone better. Thx my opinion.

  • scottishbloke
    1,277 Posts
    Fri, Mar 23 2012 5:38 AM

    2 months solid play, 6 hours a day it pays of.moved up to master tier. i saw guys shooting 4 and 5 under thought i can do it too.all about the practise and the ding everytime.great game.patience pays off fellow golfers.have fun.

  • scottishbloke
    1,277 Posts
    Fri, Mar 23 2012 5:38 AM

    2 months solid play, 6 hours a day it pays of.moved up to master tier. i saw guys shooting 4 and 5 under thought i can do it too.all about the practise and the ding everytime.great game.patience pays off fellow golfers.have fun.