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Leaving the game

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Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:10 AM (5 replies)
  • 5hocker
    1 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 9:02 AM
    Figured I'd give you all some feedback before I quit the game. I like online golf games, and a "free" to play one seems great. However. I have posted scores to pay out in multiple tournaments, and have only received the 150 credits awarded from advancing between hack, amatuer, and pro. I have never gotten a single tournament payout. I refuse to pay additional money into a game where I as of yet have not been able to determine why my perfectly struck putt, on a line with little or no break, suddenly ends up 4 feet to the left or right of a hole - and begins on that line. I refuse to put additional money into a game where a pitch shot gets stuck on the bunker lip 3 feet in front of me and 1 foot high. I refuse to put additional money into a game where I am automatically advanced to longer tees while no change is made to my actual ability or equipment. Have you ever tried to break 30 on 9 holes on pro with the starter clubs? Hope you can pitch a few balls in.
  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 9:15 AM

    Devil's advocate here.  Have you ever tried to break 30 on any 9 holes, in any wind, with any balls, on any course, with any clubs?  I've played high school golf and college golf on a scholarship with a +1 handiocap and I have never been sub 30! 

    I could be wrong but I think they're striving for "score realism" here.  I'm guessing the online golf games you've played are too easy, too quick to master and have set you up for frustration in this game.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 9:26 AM

    You have played 16 rounds according to your stats, and NO match play, meaning you have not played with other players who could possibly give you advice.  I have never hit a straight putt that ended 4 ft of course, and since I have played many more rounds than you, I can say I think you are exagerating greatly.  If you are correct, did you save the shot?  Did you report it?  Did you do anything to help WGT respond to your situation?

    Do you expect to shoot sub 70 without putting in the time?  Can you hit a bunker shot in real life withe anything less than a nice solid blast?  Perhaps you are aware of the flaws but not taking the experience from them.  If you are 10yds away, hitting a 60yd full swing, are you taking the shot to like 15% power, it wont work, its to light a hit, just like in real golf.  You need to blast out of most bunkers.  I take a 15yd bunker shot in real golf, with more power than I do for a 50yd shot from the fairway. 

    Nothing personal, but if you are not gonna practice different shots to see what works, play with other players and see how they play, and even get advice from them, then dont expect to win the free tourneys, or any ready-go's, its not gonna happen, especially with the unlimited tourneys.  If you want to be competitive, practice, win some credits and upgrade your clubs, then learn those clubs.  If you have a couple bucks to spend then do so. 

    Does this game have bugs, ah yeah, put they are trying to fix them, its still in beta mode, and part of being a member hear (in my opinion), is to help them make a better game through reporting issues.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 9:31 AM

    I have posted scores to pay out in multiple tournaments, and have only received the 150 credits awarded from advancing between hack, amatuer, and pro

    Then how did you wind up with only 136? Could it be that those payouts aren't sent until the scores are verified and you got them but didn't notice ? With all that refusing going on in your post you forgot the one about working and practicing. 

    If you haven't figured it out already this isn't your basic master-it-the- first-time-I-try golf. That site is someplace else. This one is real golf and if you don't approach it like that you'll hate it. Compare what you're going through here to what you do on a real course (assuming you play.) You can't advance unless you improve and you've obviously done that.

    There is a rather large learning curve here as compared to other golf sites. Stay with it and exert yourself. Read all about every complaint you have in the forums because we've all been there. Try refusing to quit. GL


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 10:35 AM

    If you haven't figured it out already this isn't your basic master-it-the- first-time-I-try golf. That site is someplace else.

    Thank you Jim for not mentioning the name.


    This game frustrates even the best players on this site. I hope you'll stick around and give the game another chance. My best advice would be to play multiple practice rounds with the starter ball. Once you get to a level of play that satisfies, the pro shop balls will make your playability that much better on ranked rounds.


    Play well.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:10 AM

    5hocker... check your equipment page for a little something that's spherical and white and will make your drives longer and slow down your swing at the same time.  Hope this helps.  Hang in there!