Howdy SC,may I call you SC,thank you..I tried the Anser for a while around the end of the Pro Tier.I already had the Redwood so I swapped back to the right putter and made master shortly there after.
The Redwood just seems to have a little more forgiveness and a bigger sweet spot.Very nice putter from short to mid range putts.Pretty accurate and speed consistent.
Since the last update and the Daytona was introduced I just had to try it.I don't know exactly why but I like the Daytona better than all of them.It would seem that I started making even lengthier putts more often so it's "in the bag".
Community Disclaimer : All putter references and use there of only apply to my personal experiences.
SystemCrash: Makes me wonder what is the more important in that gameplay: the balls or the clubs?
I think they are both equally as important.Clubs probably just a little more.Both is the way to go.I use the TOUR GI-SD GOLD.You can get some sweet action with those and the G 10 Master Irons.