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Good Controllable Wedges

Thu, May 31 2012 7:37 AM (12 replies)
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  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Mar 22 2012 8:33 PM

    You've got irons, woods, hybrids, and drivers that are excellent and have fairly slow meter speeds. How come no comparable wedges? I'd be willing to spend some creds on something that allowed me to drop them close. 

    Well, that is, if it really is about the money. Untapped resource WGT? Ooooo, they'll pay big time for these. Wow, how about getting Cleveland on board?

    Nah, I'm not cynical. :-)

    Seriously, some dynamite wedges would be ubercool. 

  • mgh221
    545 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 8:30 AM

    two words man... cleveland wedges... i don't know your level, tier any of that so if they aren't available to you i apologize. but with the clevelands the ball stops dead on landing (assuming your usin a quality ball lol) with no spin. you use backspin they'll snap back 10-15 yards on a green. of course i'm refering to the top level clevelands, but the lower level clevelands snap back too just not as hard... if you can get em try em you'll love em.

  • Steve442
    710 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 3:11 PM


    You've got irons, woods, hybrids, and drivers that are excellent and have fairly slow meter speeds. How come no comparable wedges? I'd be willing to spend some creds on something that allowed me to drop them close. 

    Well, that is, if it really is about the money. Untapped resource WGT? Ooooo, they'll pay big time for these. Wow, how about getting Cleveland on board?

    Nah, I'm not cynical. :-)

    Seriously, some dynamite wedges would be ubercool. 

    Look in the Pro Shop man.

    As already said the Cleveland Wedges are very very good and available at around your level. Tip: Don't use the back spin until you're familiar with them.



  • BmaEngnr92
    46 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 4:45 PM

    The z-satins, pings, and cleves are all good wedges. Try different stuff with them. I use the punch with them quite often. Are you saying the meter is too fast on them?

  • misstery
    705 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 4:47 PM

    He wants slower meter speed wedges.

  • BmaEngnr92
    46 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 7:51 PM


    He wants slower meter speed wedges.

    Yea, kinda skimmed over that the first time ;). I doubt they'll release wedges any more "nasty" than the cleves, IMO. For the OP, I would just suggest playing a lot of practice rounds and hitting them repeatedly until you get comfortable with the meter and the different shots you can hit with them. The Z-satins, Pings, and Cleves are all great wedges.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 8:02 PM

    Tour W 60° Wedge (L60+)

    This Ping wedge has spin that is comparable to the Cleveland wedges. Use caution when applying back-spin. Only 345 credits.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Mon, Mar 26 2012 8:16 AM

    Cleveland wedges at L74 and above are the way to go, the lower Cleveland wedges are decent but not anything like their big brothers.  the Z Satin 64 (50 yard wedge) is a must, I will always have that one.  When you get them watch the backspin because you will back a ball all the way off the green if you use full BS.

  • Steve442
    710 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 12:22 PM


    Tour W 60° Wedge (L60+)

    This Ping wedge has spin that is comparable to the Cleveland wedges. Use caution when applying back-spin. Only 345 credits.

    I'm afraid this simply isn't true. The Ping wedge is by no means a bad club but it is in no way comparable to the high level Cleveland wedges. It is very good value though.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Apr 26 2012 11:48 PM

    Thinking about this old thread this evening. Had to do a search to find it.

    He wants slower meter speed wedges.

    Yep. That's it. 

    The wedges I have are good enough. These old eyes just can't control them. I've got 8 grand plus credits. I'd spend some of them on quality wedges with a more controllable meter. 

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