((To be clear; 1]The on certain holes, in attempt to make you lose balls, 2} The balls stops, then takes off again, Wind affect is questionable,3} change on the Greens, I could go on, but sure you get the picture.
Now my concern, is that we spend, and risk money. Is it legal for you alter the out come of the contests ?))
Mr. Mas;
You will quickly find a very few number of people here who will not allow you to blame ANYTHING at ALL on WGT. It doesn't matter what the problem is, how many 1,000's of people have the exact problem, new equipment, old equipment doesn't matter. Facts and figures doesn't matter.
These people are tuned in to every possible happening concerning WGT. They don't give their opinion's, just facts, because what they say is 100% fact, pure unquestioned facts.
The simple FACT is that many people have your same troubles and attempt to discuss them in order to fix the problem. You will find that 2 or 3 very simple jobs are purported to be the #1 solution to any and all shortcomings here..
They are..clean your cache and clear your browser.