Bobmarokk and I played our game today against goldenglove and ballsdeep2. On the first hole, bobmarokk's ball and mine went on the edge of the green, 7 and 8 yards away. Balsdeep2 was in the bunker. When goldenglove went to play his shot, the game freezed so we had to start again. We tried to place our balls in the same place. I got a WARNING for taking too long because I was talking. I placed my ball 9YARDS from the hole, and, therefore, ON THE FRINGE INSTEAD OF ON THE GREEN. Goldenglove was now 115 yards away instead of the 123 that he was before, but we let him play it from there and they ended up winning the hole.
On the second, when I was putting to birdie the hole, I clicked when there were 15 seconds left, but the computer ignored me and the time kept running down to zero. I got one stroke penalty and then missed the putt, so we lost the hole.
Considering we had lest goldenglove play ten yards further than he should have done, and that I played my putt from the fringe instead of the green on the first hole, I expected goldenglove to say: OK, it was a glitch, we halved the hole. But he didn't.
In the end, if we consider that they won that hole, we lost by one. If we consider that we halved it, we drew, and we will have to play sudden death.
Nivlac: decision?