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accuracy advantage/disadvantage.

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Mon, Mar 1 2010 12:20 PM (8 replies)
  • pgaloom
    11 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 4:01 PM
    program NEEDS to be re-written so dings have a higher probablilty of starting along intended target line. 60% off-line with starter plus clubs versus 40% off-line (toward target line non-dings) is not acceptable. Needs to be 80/20 or greater. I heve been around the game WAY TOO LONG to understand how much luck is invloved, but this borderlines on stupid.
  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 4:24 PM

    Hi pgaloom,

    The free starter clubs are designed to emulate the play of a beginning duffer.  Have a look at the club stats and note the low precision.  The low precision of the Starter set explains the on-course performance that you see. 

    If you really want to sharpen your game, take a look through the Pro Shop and browse some of the higher precision clubs.  A new set will offer longer distances and the higher precision gives you more accuracy, but it generally comes at the expense of forgiveness and/or increased meter speed.  As a Pro tier player about 95% of the upgrades in the Pro Shop are available to buy or rent.  The only thing you can't use at this point are Master Tier clubs.

    Keep in mind that you can now  rent a club or set of irons for 24 hours to try them out and see if they are a fit for your game.

    Good Luck =)

  • okcmo
    4 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 10:08 PM

    It would be nice if experience played a part in how a ball is hit or the outcome of the swing depending on how you look at it. A example:  A pro tier player should be able to hit starter clubs very accurately most if not all the time, another  example a Master tier player should be able to hit pro clubs very accurately most if not all the time.  maybe this could be displayed by lowering the meter speed and extending the range just a wee bit  when using clubs a tier lower then you are currently ranked?  Maybe with experience adding more forgiveness to a lower ranked club? this is partially true in real life as a cavity backed club "which is what most people start with" is gonna have more forgiveness then say a forged iron "which is what veterans use", I know this would be a total rewrite of the games engine but I think this is what pgaloom is getting at and i agree with it, I have noticed after purchasing clubs your shots are alot more accurate even tho I have only been a member for less then a week. 

    Alot of people preach practice practice practice on these forums, well I think for one that wont matter IF you are always using starter clubs because of the randomness.  I'm not saying practice wont help when you are in the higher tier clubs as obviously it will help with the faster swing meter.

    Now I agree with WGT making money off a product they have put alot of work behind and I also agree with supporting the community as well,  What pga is asking for may be alot of work but I think it will benefit everyone in the long run.  Pro tier players  will get a little more consistency in there shots using starter clubs and Master tier players will still be able to sink eagles and outdrive lower tier clubs, It would also make things interesting in the wedge part of the game "which I think would make the master tier better".  Also Pga "while demanding things in a negative tone and sounding like a jerk" is also supporting the community by playing here as well and giving the community more people to play with.

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 10:52 PM

    The game doesnt work that way instead of changing the game accept it for what it is a great golf sim that you cant be an expert at in 5minutes.As for rewriting programs are you serious this is so complicated you would not understand. Its taken 2 years to get here and you want them to start over because youve been here 1week and cant play and the OG 3weeks go play cartoon golf,then you will come back and appreciate this as the closest thing to real golf you will ever get.IMHO

    ty chip

    PS seems very easy to create a second account around here to agree with someone who has a lack of understanding seems very sus

  • okcmo
    4 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 11:05 PM

    it was simply a suggestion not a attack chipshotshcarlie no need to take offense to it.  This is the product suggestion forum isn't it?  I am in no way demanding things need to be changed just stating some things that came across my mind to make the game a little better to the people who can't afford new clubs or to some younger players who dont have the benefit of using a debit or credit card.


    As far as your P.S. I'm sure the admins can tell you and everyone else that me and pgaloom are two totally different people.    Again my post was not a attack on anyone and neither is this one just trying to set the record straight and make sure my post was not taken the wrong way.


  • borntobesting
    9,754 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 11:50 PM

    and you said regs who weren't wgt staff. Well Niv was a player first and from what I hear a very good one. Listen to him,.

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sun, Feb 28 2010 11:58 PM

    Sorry guys, had to reset this thread.  Everyone has a right to criticize the game if they choose.  They should not be harassed by doing so.

    Thanks for understanding.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2010 11:07 AM

    example a Master tier player should be able to hit pro clubs very accurately most if not all the time.  maybe this could be displayed by lowering the meter speed and extending the range just a wee bit  when using clubs a tier lower then you are currently ranked?  Maybe with experience adding more forgiveness to a lower ranked club? this is partially true in real life as a cavity backed club "which is what most people start with" is gonna have more forgiveness then say a forged iron "which is what veterans use",

    Hi okcmo,

    Unfortunately a pro player can't use master clubs to play in the pro tier. This is in part due to an unfair advantage a player could have against the rest of the pro tier.

    Keep in mind, the meter plays the same for everyone of all tier levels. The pro shop offers golf balls that will slow the meter on upgraded clubs.

    If you want to play with upgraded clubs, you'll want to use clubs that are designed for ones current tier. As you advance tiers, the need to upgrade clubs for that in-particular tier may become prevalent.

    The pro shop offers clubs in which you describe. The new rent-a-club feature that was just added will aid members in finding the right club that suits their game.


    Good luck and play well.


  • okcmo
    4 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2010 12:20 PM

    Hi Richard and thanks for the response,  I think you took my post the wrong way I stated that a master ranked player should be able to hit pro tier clubs better, and not the opposite which is how i think you read my post.   I have  bought pro tier clubs for my current pro rank, but still stuck with some of the starter wedges/hybrids as I didn't see a advantage of upgrading yet.  my next purchase will prolly be a 3 wood or hybrid to get to those greens that are just out of reach on the black course.


    again thanks for the response.