i hit a 409dv @ Cabo, bit of a fluke though
Mine is in my stats, but seriously a 410 yrd fluke! lol
replay.aspx?ID=0bc93611 e294 4b3c 801a a20500d64aa9
scrib2; 425 at Cabo. in my stats.
403 yards. Deleted replay, but in my stats.
Welcome to the club
rahulkurapati, barrynichol79, patriciawilliams, scrib2 and curtis46
423 yds did not save replay but its in my stat. Got it on Cabo.
409 on Cabo . In stats
Had a 402 yard drive on St. Andrews.I did not save the replay but it is in my stats.
401 yards Thru fairway, beyond green, back into fairway other side. Hole #3.
444 on cabo i was drunk!!!!!