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Belated introduction

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Sat, Mar 6 2010 8:12 AM (4 replies)
  • snowy64
    67 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 5:14 AM
    Hi to everyone I joined WGT in August 2009 and I must say I have not regretted it though after some rounds iask myself why did I join and then I shoot a ground round and I then know why. Now I bit about me I live not far from London UK and I am 65 and now retired. I am a widower and live on my own with my two dogs Ben and Brandy both Staffordshire Bull Terriers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank WGT for this site. Unfortunately I no longer am able to play the real game due to heart problems and old ageand WGT has filled that gap I have been known to spend about 8 hours in one go on here, how sad is that. I would also like to thank the members that I have played in match play for the chat and enjoyment long may it continue. Thats it once again thanks to all and by the way I played St Andrews course 30 years ago and its just as hard as it is one here. WGT have done well hope the back nine won't be long.
  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 5:40 AM

    Hey Snowy.  I'm pretty new, but I enjoy talking to everyone when I can.  I am also super-addicted to this game.  By the looks of your standings, you do pretty damn well clicking that meter for a guy of your advanced-age!

  • lumpner
    23 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 6:53 AM
    hello to you 2 masters. congrats on making the level. i hav been playing about 4 weeks and i got here,quite lucky i might add. i hav a question about our tier; if we go out and shoot a couple 75's,(just an example,hehe) can we be bumped from master down to pro, or do we keep our masters level. thanks for the info,lol,keepem down the middle!!!! p.s. im 65 and going on 19!!
  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 7:15 AM

    Your Master status will remain in effect no matter what you shoot from here on out.  You cannot be downgraded.

  • lumpner
    23 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 8:12 AM

    kind of thought so; just wanted to verify. thanks ghettocop1. cyaaaaaaa